Miss You
文章來源: nuts0002016-12-29 16:18:05

Yes miss you already
when I waved at you all in airport
seeing you going down escalator
tears trickling down
Miss you more when coming home
Ate the last two little buns
and dumplings from two plates
the last macron on the dining table
strawberry Pocky sticks on the shelf
Miss you all much more as heart sinking in
going through room by room
Drank the leftover Coke
juice and half cup of soy milk
Set all the happy meal toys to Manwai's room
Folded the blankets on sofa
Folded the clothes in the dryer
and collected a few more into basket
Stored all the slippers and boots
The quietness is unreal
or intolerably sentimental
Had to let Brian Crain's piano filling the house
which in turn
sinking the heart another tap
You must have had the dinner on the fight
just can't help
miss you in dreams to come
until the dream comes true