血洗會發生嗎? 準備做空,兼論做空機製和一個經典案例
文章來源: investor7772009-09-12 14:43:29
Investor777 (09/12/2009)

Today I will talk about a few things:

1. Investor777’s take on the market:

Personally, I think the market is due for some correction. I could be wrong, let the market decide. The market has gone up 64.1% since 03/13/09 (NAZ 1268-2081), without a significant pullback. It is time for some consolidation. Otherwise if bulls run too fast, they may be tripped by the bears. Actually it will be a good thing for some pullback so bears can come out. Then we can get rid of all the weak hands; kill all the bears and move to the next height. So if market starts to go down, I wish it go down hard so we can rise much higher latter on.

If a bloodbath will happen, let it happen!

I must reiterate that I am bullish long term. And the market has not reached its high peak yet. 早在2009-07-12, investor777在大盤連跌四周的情況下在DQ發貼,希望穩定軍心,並說
“下周大盤走勢至關重要,可能將決定2009年全年的走勢 ......
Please visit my blog at below to prove that, or if you want to learn more about my take on the market and stocks.

Like its name “short” is a short-term play to reduce risk and it is way to make money when market going down.

2. My take on shorting:

1) DOW/S&P/Naz走勢同步確認反轉, long term the market is going up.
2) You cannot hold a short position too long; it is not a long term play. The financial crisis like the one in 2008 only happen a couple of times in 100 years. Put a proper stop in if you short.
3) If you are a new player in shorting, you can start to play with it by shorting a very small position to try it out first. I do NOT recommend shorting if you are a new player in trading.
4) If you are not a sophisticated trader, do not use highly leveraged ETFs as a shorting mechanism such as FAZ. You can start to play with less leveraged ETFs such as SKF / FXP first. Once you have played with them for a long time with proven tracking record then you can start to use those more aggressive tools.
5) Do NOT short strong stocks or the leading stocks, you well could get burned! Dot NOT rush to short, let the market gives you a signal first.

3. 做空機製【轉帖】
  做空簡單說就是:沒有貨先賣後買。舉例說明:你看到10元的A股票,分析其後市在一定時間裏會跌至8元,而你手中 又沒有持有A股票,這時你可以從持有A股票人的手中借來一定的A股票,並簽好約定,在一定的時間裏要把這些借來的股票還給原持有人,假設現在你借來100股A股票,以10元的價位賣出,得現金1000元,如在規定時間內,該股果真跌到8元,你以8元買進A股票100股,花費資金800元,並將這100股還給原持有人,原持有人股數未變,而你則賺到了200元現金。做空機製不光指股票的做空,還包括指數的做空等。

4. 做空雅芳賺了100萬 金融大鱷索羅斯發跡史 【轉帖】


薦股“安聯保險” 一舉成名



做空雅芳 賺了100萬美元

1975年,索羅斯再次出手做空“雅芳”。為放空“雅芳”,索羅斯以120美元的市價,借了一萬股“雅芳”賣出。正像索羅斯所預料的,“雅芳”持續暴跌,兩年後,索羅斯隻用20美元每股的市價就購回了這一萬股“雅芳”,大賺了100萬美元 。

