加納比海Caribbean: 5 Cayman Island
文章來源: MichaelC2009-08-30 16:24:03

Grand Cayman Island是一個島國。是我們2006年坐Carnival Conquest遊輪去加納比海玩時停靠的一站。這裏曾是英國屬地,當地貨幣上還有英國女王頭像。官方語言是英文。對我們這些美國遊客來說,語言上很方便。這裏最出名的是“Tax Heaven。”很多公司都來這注冊,可以省很多稅。但聽說最近幾年美國稅務局抓得嚴,可能沒有以前那麽好生意了。

(1) Getting off our big boat...

(2) into a small boat to get on shore because the island does not have deep or big enough port to dock the big cruises.
(3) A glance at our big boat from our ferry

(4) Our cruise boat and another one from some distance.

(5) The island is really flat and has no elevation at all.

(6) The port and the ferry

(7) A colorful restaurant near the port called "Margaritaville."

(8) Another restaurant called "Landmark"

(9) Shopping area near the port.

(10) After half an hour of bus ride, we arrived at "Stingray City" and got onto a boat just like this one for our "stingray tour" excursion.

(11) The small boat took us to an area where we can get off the boat and into the water.

(12) The island from some distance looks like a thin line.

(13) This was our destination - see, catch, play with, and feel the sting rays. With someone's help the sting rays can massage our back. This is one of the most exciting and memerable experience in all of our excursions we ever did at Caribbeans. I highly recommend it. 

(14) And snorkeling

(15) This view of the blue ocean and sky decorated with the white boats is indeed unforgettable.

加納比海: 1 墨西哥Cancun 我們的夏威夷

加納比海Caribbean: 2 墨西哥Cozumel
加納比海Caribbean: 3 洪都拉斯Roatan
加納比海Caribbean: 4 貝麗絲Belize