上海:從金茂看浦東 空中巴士的奇想
文章來源: MichaelC2009-08-23 06:39:18

2008年夏去北京看奧運會,先在上海小住了兩天。下宿在世界上最高的客餞,金茂大廈的凱銳。這家建在53-87層樓上的酒店,果然不凡,設施服務均一流。據說,旅館的洗衣房在樓下,所有要洗的東西都得從特殊的口道(laundry shoot)從86樓扔下來。利用樓高的方便,可以看到浦東及整個上海的全景。雖然上海高樓成群,但還是新樓、舊樓混在一起,給人不太整齊的感覺。


(1)Night view of Shanghai from Hyatt lobby, on the 53rd floor.

(2)You can see both the Tower of Pearl and the view of the hotel lobby from this picture.

(3)The lobby and the city were merged together.

(4)Inside a huge, brand-new shopping mall.

(5)Inside view of the Hyatt, from top.

(6)Inside view of Hyatt, from the bottom.

(7)Daylight view of Shanghai on the north side from my room.

(8)Same view with different weather.

(9)I know this was a bad picture. I was using Canon G9. I didn't know the concept of GND yet.

(10)Looking at the next-door high-rise from my room. That building was designed by a Japanese firm. See that opening on the top? The folk story says that it was originally designed as a rounded opening but many people complained that it looked too much like the Japanese flag. Later they changed the design.

(11)One of the grand bridges built in recent years in Shanghai.

(12)Not too far from the Grand Hyatt

(13)The next-door tall building (環球大廈)was still under construction at that time. The left top corner is the Hyatt building. One taxi driver told me that on daylight, this building looks like the sword of a Japanese Samurai.


(15)Night scene of the building next door.


(17)Now famous Tower of the Oriental Pearl.

(18)Another inside view of the world's tallest hotel - Hyatt




奧運(7):北京市容 藍天、雕塑、場館