208 Fume
文章來源: 心在飛,淚在流2010-02-28 13:11:19

208 Fume

(PW) be angry

When I heard that she was talking about me to other people, I was just fuming.


(MW) Function: noun  Date: 14th century

Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French fum, from Latin fumus; akin to Old High German toumen to be fragrant, Sanskrit dhūma smoke, Old Church Slavic dymŭ

1 a : a smoke, vapor, or gas especially when irritating or offensive exhaust fumes> b : an often noxious suspension of particles in a gas (as air)
2 : something (as an emotion) that impairs one's reasoning s of patriotism — Matthew Arnold>
3 : a state of excited irritation or anger —usually used in the phrase in a fume

fumy adjective

on fumes : with little of the original strength or energy remaining on fumes>


(free) be mad, angry, or furious

to be very angry whilst trying not to show it He was fuming (with rage).


(dictionary) to show, or give way to, anger, annoyance, etc.