128 Cut corners
文章來源: 心在飛,淚在流2010-01-18 11:01:18

128 Cut corners

(PW) limit one’s buying

She was way over budget for the wedding, so she needed to cut corners.


(free) To do something in the easiest or most inexpensive way


(MW) to perform some action in the quickest, easiest, or cheapest way


(usingEnglish) If people try to do something as cheaply or as quickly as possible, often sacrificing quality, they are cutting corners.


(idiommeaning) to do something in the easiest or cheapest way by skipping something important

The government cut corners when they built the school with bad materials, and put everyone in danger.

Shawn had a terrible vacation because he cut corners while planning it, and was forced to stay in bad hotels.

My mother used to yell at me for cutting corners when I was younger. If my room wasn’t perfectly clean, I’d have to do it again.


(wordweb) Do something the cheapest or easiest way
"Cut corners to make a cheaper product