075 Bug
文章來源: 心在飛,淚在流2009-12-12 09:11:31



(PW) annoy, bother

It bugs me every time he asks to borrow a pencil.



transitive verb bugged, bugging bug′·ging

Informal to hide a microphone in (a room, etc.), as for recording a conversation secretly


to annoy, bother, anger, etc.

to confuse or puzzle



v. bugged, bug·ging, bugs


To grow large; bulge: My eyes bugged when I saw the mess.



a. To annoy; pester.

b. To prey on; worry: a memory that bugged me for years.

2. To equip (a room or telephone circuit, for example) with a concealed electronic listening device.

3. To make (the eyes) bulge or grow large.

Phrasal Verbs:

bug off Slang

To leave someone alone; go away.

bug out Slang

1. To leave or quit, usually in a hurry.

2. To avoid a responsibility or duty. Often used with on or of: bugged out on his partners at the first sign of trouble.


put a bug in (someone's) ear Informal

To impart useful information to (another) in a subtle, discreet way.