文章來源: 五穀不分2017-04-19 18:07:56

Oh my dear papa,
I love him, he is handsome, handsome.
I want to go to Porta Rossa
To buy the ring!

Yes, yes, I want to go there!
And if my love were in vain,
I would go to the Ponte Vecchio
And throw myself in the Arno!

I am anguished and tormented!
Oh God, I'd like to die!
Papa, have pity, have pity!
Papa, have pity, have pity!

哦, 親, 花街MM。我熱衷炒股, 它高大上, 高大上。我要去花兒街,買個金鏈子鎖住你。

是啊, 是啊, 我要去那裏! 如果我的摯愛最終徒勞,我會去曼哈屯一則, 把自己扔進Hudson河裏 (不是阿若河哦)。

我身心憔悴受盡折磨。 天呐, 想死的心都有了。MM啊, 給點憐憫,給點憐憫。MM啊, 給點憐憫,給點憐憫。