文章來源: ERommel2013-03-19 18:56:11

常規的減肥法是降低每天的能量攝入,同時增加運動量。這種方式的缺點是每天得節食餓肚子,最後導致身體開始降低能量代謝,體重越來越難減少。5:2減肥法是由Michael Mosley博士發明的。Michael和Spencer女士出版了一本書:“The Fast Diet”。這本書今年元月在英國出版,在Amazon‘s 英國網上一直保持最暢銷的位置。


Michael 用此方法在幾周內減了20磅體重, 尤其是腹部脂肪大減。Spencer女士用此方法將體重從英國的size 12  降到size 8!所以是男女皆適的有效減肥法。體重超標的讀者不妨試試5:2減肥法!


“Finally, I went for a split: 300 calories for breakfast and 300 for supper. A typical breakfast now means two scrambled eggs and a slice of ham (quite a lot of protein, but well within limits), with plenty of water, green tea and black coffee to see me through a working day. Then, in the evening, I tuck into something like grilled fish and lots of vegetables. It is impressive how few calories there are in vegetables, and when you are hungry they are unexpectedly delicious”
