first impression in here
文章來源: lotus2004-10-25 15:39:22
A lonely bird who could fly far into the vastness of heaven to look down upon the world spread below, only to realize as the rainstorm comes the sorrow of having no mate to share the journey. I was a bird who needed to be with a trilling companion, only being with them could I really embrace the unlimited visual field to stare in wonder at it's new found freshness..I believe that I will not remain alone forever, if I was to stay with all of you, perhaps we would bicker over the direction in which we might go. Perhaps we would mourn the loss of another trilling companion. I know however that with you all I could combine every word I live into a book of my life and still have fragments of our relationship encased deep within my heart, alongside the love for my family and my one true mate.Every one of you makes up the tail of my shooting star, you are each a point I have passed through in my life, each of you gave me so much that even though I have gone, you remain a bright point in my heart, never to be repeated.Thank you, my friends.