文章來源: GZZZM2009-08-01 06:13:15





Zongming Zhang

張宗銘 著

Translated by Tangjin Xiao

肖唐金 譯



Chapter 12


10 days after Dai Min and her two sons came to the Zhang’s house Zhang Yunxuan came back from Hunan.

Guiyang was liberated a short time ago. The economy was underdeveloped, and there were a lot of bandits in the province. Many famous herbs could not be transported to other provinces because of the blockage by the bandits. Zhang Yunxuan was Director of the Provincial Commerce Chamber. Approved by the Provincial Government, he organized over 10 businessmen and capitalists to carry 16 truckloads of herbs to Hunan, guarded by armed PLA soldiers.

The mission was difficult because of the attacks from the bandits. A few soldiers died for the protection. It took them about 20 days to reach Hunan and get back from there.

Zhang Yunxuan came back to Guiyang safely, and reported the trip to Chen Jiagen, a military leader. Zhang told him that two shots hit the tire on the side of his seat. Chen, however, was repugnant to that report, wondering why some soldiers died instead of Zhang. He spoke impolitely to Zhang:

“Damn! I think the bandits knew who they should kill. And you protected the capitalists and traders rather than the soldiers.”

Zhang loved the government. At the beginning of the battle, he hid the capitalists behind a rock, and took up a gun of the soldiers and fought against the fierce enemies. Chen’s words were not just an insult to him, but also a token of distrust and suspicion against him.

For the first time Zhang felt a sense of loss. He could hardly forget this experience. He came back happily but was treated coldly.

It was dinner time when he returned home. As he stepped into the dining hall, he saw Dai Min and her two sons at table. He frowned at the sight. He stopped talking happily with Yang Yongchun but glared at him, as if asking, “Who agreed to accept them?”

Tang Weiqi was busy praying for the meal Jesus brought them. She was not aware that her husband had come back.

Zhang Yan prayed before each meal like his mom, though he was not so serious. He was happy to stay with the two cousins, listening to their jokes. Then, he heard his daddy talking with laughs. He put his hands on the backs of his cousins, as if to tell his daddy that he was happy to have them together.

Yet, he was sad. His daddy glared at him, and then Yang and Tang.

For the first time Zhang Yan was frightened at his daddy’s looks. He was worried that his cousins would be expelled, so he hugged them tightly and the three little faces stared at Zhang Yunxuan.

Tang Weiqi was still praying devoutly. Dai Min felt restless, worried that she would be insulted, and she bent her head down. It was quiet in the dining hall, with only the ticks of the clock audible. Uncle Yang behaved naturally, as if knowing that Zhang Yunxuan would not embarrass him by driving away Dai and her sons. Zhang seemed to read Yang’s mind. He moved away.

Zhang was about to leave the dining hall when he heard Tang Weiqi call, “Yunxuan, come back.”

Zhang moved on as if not having heard the call. He got out of the house.

For quite a few days Zhang did not come back home. The three kids played happily together, but Dai Min was worried. In fact she had been worrying about the future of her sons. Before Zhang came back from Hunan, she had dreamed of her husband Zhang Yunchang chasing and killing her and her sons begging on the streets.

But Dai was careful enough to notice that Zhang Yan was the focus of the family. He got care not just from his parents but also from Uncle Yang, Madame Wang and the others. Zhang Yan was much influenced by his mom. He was not arrogant or selfish. He was kind, loving and selfless. He loved work and never got tired with the poor. Thus, Dai Min focused her hope on the little boy. Once, she saw nobody else about, and then hugged Zhang Yan and asked him, “Dear nephew, do you want your cousins to go to school with you?”

Zhang Yan nodded. Then, Dai went on, “Then why didn’t you tell your mom your idea?”

Unexpectedly the little boy replied, “I told her about it a long time ago. She said the winter vacation was coming and next semester my cousins would go to school.”

Dai felt relieved, asking again, “If your daddy did not want your cousins to go to school here, what would you do?”

Zhang Yan went up to Uncle Yang, saying sadly, “Aunt is going to take my cousins to beg and go back to the countryside. Ooh!”

Yang was close to the little boy. But he was aware the quarrels between Zhang and his wife over whether to have Dai and her sons stay. Zhang did not think it a good idea to let them stay, but his wife thought just opposite. Yang was puzzled about what to do as he was stuck in the middle. He replied to Zhang Yan:

“What nonsense! How could the Zhang family drive their relatives away? Don’t cry! I know what to do.”

At this time Dai wiped her tears. She thought it might be better to leave the house. She did not want to be expelled, for she cared much about face. With this thought she said to her sons:

“Dear sons, please give thanks to Uncle Yang and your aunt. Let’s leave as early as possible.”

Dai and her sons knelt down before Yang. Zhang Yan was frightened and cried sadly. He fainted.

Madame Wang, Mr. Song and Mrs. Zhang all came over. They called him loudly. Mr. Song gave first-aid to the little boy, and in quite a while he came round, spitting out a huge piece of phlegm. The boy cried, “I need Daddy!”

Yang was moved. Tears rolled down his cheeks. He said to Zhang Yan, “Don’t cry, dear! I’ll get back your daddy!”

Zhang Yunxuan came back home. Zhang Yan saw his father and cried again, holding out his hands and saying, “Daddy!”

Zhang Yunxuan got the boy from Tang Weiqi’s hands. He wiped his son’s tears, and tears welled up in his own eyes. He married Tang Weiqi in 1935 with Commander-in-Chief Yang Sen presiding over the wedding ceremony. But they did not have their son until 1945. Old Master Zhang was delighted with his grandson. After he had the son, Zhang Yunxuan felt life happier. He thought life would be promising if he treated the world with care and love.

It was dinner time. Zhang and his wife went into the dining hall hand in hand. Dai Min and her sons got up as they entered.

Dai greeted, “Dear cousin.”

Her sons greeted, “Dear uncle.”

Zhang nodded to them and sat down. Then everyone sat down at table. Zhang Yan wanted to show his affections for his cousins. He put his arms around them and that made his mom smile happily.