文章來源: 200909092011-01-24 22:57:14
1墨女墨西哥女,此女在超市工作,兢兢業業。身高150。皮膚結實。為人誠懇。毫無任何欺詐的跡象,但是每次客人買水果總覺得缺斤少兩。一個台灣客人非常鬱悶為此,一日,她就挑兩隻橙子讓此墨女包起來,結賬。後發現,兩隻橙子怎麽會有4磅捏?在找來經理理論,經理畢竟見多識廣,不同一般職員,一邊道歉,一邊讓此墨重新過磅,定格在稱重的瞬間,經理大喝,STOP.原來此墨女實乃波霸,2磅的東西,加上她可愛的身高和胸度,正好多加了2磅,很實在,不是她的錯啦,畢竟波霸還是受老板欣賞滴,嘻嘻。2墨男墨西哥男生暗戀一個華裔米女,此女確實有著可愛的性格。因此有了他拜托中國哥們的這樣的對話M Hey, I wanna her be my girl friend,can you do me a favor?C Why she? She is not pretty enough u know.M I like her personality and smile so much.C She is Chinese, can you learn Chinese for her? She doesn't speak any English.M I would like to try. No problem.I wanna her be my girl.No matter how difficult! I like challenge, I am seriously.C Well, I will do my best help u but remind you that she is never married you know?M Of course!I know it.C But....M But... what? What's wrong?C She has two babies.M Ta Ma di!Ni zen me bu zao shuo.hahahahhahha