Watch 2010 World cup semifinal soccer game Spain VS Germany
文章來源: yimei19262010-07-08 03:15:35

Watch 2010 World cup semifinal soccer game Spain VS Germany

I started to watch this game at 4:30am, only slept about 2-3 hrs for the last 24 hrs.

It was a very tense game, and made me stressful for the last 15 min when I worried about German team not going to make it.

Don't understand why the German team lost so bitterly, felt that they became suddenly powerless and lost their shiningness (黯然失色)!

I think that it is possible that the Spanards killed the spirit of German star, Polaski, by damageing his foot at very early part of the game, which made huge impact?

Anyway, the Spaniards were really good, dominated, shooting goals all the time. Carles Puyol headed in a crucial goal at the opportunity of the corner at a 73rd minute, which was so excellent indeed.

Carles Puyol is the one in the middle front

This morning read several articles about this game, so I attach herein.

1. We lacked courage and conviction, say Germany Reuters - 11 hours ago

DURBAN, July 7 (Reuters) - Germany showed a lack of courage against European champions Spain and paid the price with a 1-0 defeat in their World Cup semi-final, coach Joachim Loew and his players said after Wednesday's match.

Loew, who has now seen his team fall to the Spaniards in both the tournaments he has been in charge for after they also lost in the Euro 2008 final by the same score, said Spain were the best team in the world at the moment.

"This is a well-oiled team that has been playing together for two or three years with almost the exact same players. We, on the other hand, had some inhibitions during the game but it's difficult to explain why and what kind so soon after the match."

"We did not have the courage and conviction to fully play our game. We were made to work hard to get the ball because they have such good ball circulation," said the 50-year-old, whose future with the team will be decided later this month.

The Germans, who came to the tournament with their youngest World Cup team in 76 years, failed to get an early goal as they did in their last two games against England and Argentina.


"There is great disappointment," said goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, who had no chance to keep out Carles Puyol's powerful header in the 73rd minute that handed Spain the ticket for their first World Cup final where they will face Netherlands.

"We just could not find ways to attack, to go forward. We did not get the early goal as in the previous two matches and we were lacking a bit of courage," he said.

Striker Miroslav Klose said the Spaniards gave them almost no opportunities to get possession and launch their trademark quick counter-attacks.

"We could not play our game tonight," said Klose, who can still equal former Brazil forward Ronaldo's World Cup record goal tally of 15 in Germany's third-place playoff match on Saturday against Uruguay in Port Elizabeth.

"We tried to get into the one-on-ones quickly but by the time we got there the ball was already gone," said Klose, who has scored 14 goals in three World Cups.

"They had a lot of possession and we were made to run a lot but credit to Spain who deserved to win tonight," said the 32-year-old striker.

(Editing by Ken Ferris)


2. Spain edge past Germany to reach final Reuters - 13 hours ago

DURBAN, July 7 (Reuters) - Spain needed a 73rd minute goal from defender Carles Puyol to edge past Germany 1-0 on Wednesday and set up a World Cup final against Netherlands.

Puyol climbed above the defence to head the winner from a Xavi corner and send Spain to their first World Cup final.

The Spaniards dominated most of the match but struggled to finish off a German side that was lacking their usual pace.

European champions Spain dominated possession early on and needed only five minutes to carve out their first chance against a nervous German defence.

Spain forward Pedro, who started ahead of the misfiring Fernando Torres, played the ball for David Villa, who caught Arne Friedrich napping but could not beat keeper Manuel Neuer.

With the Germans, who lost the Euro 2008 final to the Spaniards by the same score, boxed into their own half, Spain kept up the pressure, with Puyol heading an Andres Iniesta cross from the right narrowly over the bar after 15 minutes.

Germany's Piotr Trochowski, who replaced the suspended Thomas Mueller on the right, stretched Spain goalkeeper Iker Casillas with a well-struck low drive.

Pedro and Sergio Ramos continued to single out Germany left back Jerome Boateng as a weakness, cutting the ball back from the wing for midfielder Xabi Alonso who twice fired wide early in the second half.

The Spaniards came agonisingly close in the 58th minute with a Pedro shot that forced a spectacular save from Neuer before Iniesta cut the ball across the face of goal a metre ahead of the sliding Villa.

Germany remained on the backfoot and 17 minutes from time were punished when Puyol headed home the winner.

Spain will face Netherlands at Soccer City in Johannesburg on Sunday. The Dutch have been in the final twice before but have never won it so a new world champion is guaranteed.


More funny stories are attached:

3. 德國躲不過馬拉多納詛咒 何況還有章魚

新浪體育 2010-07-07 16:39:37

德國在世界杯半決賽中 0 比 1 不敵西班牙,奧博豪森水族館裏的章魚帝再次靈驗,這次咬牙切齒要吃章魚海鮮飯的不再隻是阿根廷人了,德國球迷也已開始磨刀霍霍。

  本場半決賽中,德國人的進球勢頭戛然而止,此前他們是世界杯進攻火力最猛的隊伍, 4 比 0 勝澳大利亞、 4 比 1 勝英格蘭、 4 比 0 勝阿根廷,德國人成為了 1970 年巴西後、第一支在同一屆世界杯三場進球達到 4 球的隊伍,但在西班牙人麵前,德國突然變得不會踢球了,傳接球高失誤、停球也顯得笨拙,他們的靈氣似乎全耗在和英阿的兩場淘汰賽中。

   4 比 1 淘汰英格蘭、 4 比 0 橫掃阿根廷,德國人看起來勢不可擋,但實際上也許已受內傷。畢竟強強對話的消耗要遠大於連碰弱旅過關,世界杯曆史昭示,德國的半區賽程實際上就是一條不歸路。

  若要想實現奪冠目標,德國需要連克四支前冠軍或大熱球隊,但世界杯曆史上,還沒有人能在這種賽程中連過四關,最好的成績隻是突破前兩道坎。世界杯淘汰賽曆史上,曾遭遇此類魔鬼賽程的球隊有兩支,無一例外都“不過三”。 1986 年世界杯前,奪冠的最大熱門並不是馬拉多納的阿根廷,而是巴西以及歐洲冠軍法國,普拉蒂尼的球隊從小組出線後遇到了重重險關, 1/8 決賽淘汰意大利、 1/4 決賽點球戰拚掉巴西後,法國人無力為繼,在半決賽上倒在了西德腳下。 2002 年,東道主韓國憑借“特殊因素”也曾險闖三關,出線後他們先後擊敗意大利和西班牙,但半決賽上被德國終結。這一次,曾經兩次扮演“第三關 BOSS ”的德國人,自己也倒在了半決賽這第三道坎上。

  另外看到德國出局,阿根廷人的嘴角也許會有一絲笑,那道“馬拉多納魔咒”再次靈驗了。自從 1994 年老馬哭別世界杯後,一個奇異的定律便開始肆虐,成為馬拉多納留給阿根廷的敵人的最後咒語:在至今連續 5 屆世界杯上,凡是淘汰阿根廷的球隊,下一輪必然出局!

   1994 年,羅馬尼亞成為“馬拉多納詛咒”的第一個犧牲品,他們在 1/8 決賽幹掉了失去老馬的阿根廷,緊接著就被瑞典人擋在 4 強之外; 1998 年,荷蘭靠博格坎普靈光一現淘汰阿根廷,但下一輪他們就點球負於巴西; 2002 年,瑞典在小組末輪 1 比 1 逼平阿根廷並將後者淘汰,但一出線他們就被塞內加爾打倒; 2006 年,德國在點球淘汰阿根廷後,接著就被意大利擋在決賽門外;而今年,德國人送馬拉多納回家,但最終也沒能躲過那已橫行了 16 年的詛咒……

最後不能不感慨一下馬拉多納的奇異魔力,那道詛咒也許隻是巧合,但這一下就巧合了 16 年。隻要是世界杯賽,馬拉多納似乎便是永遠的主角,他在時,沒人能搶去他的風頭,他離開了,你卻覺得他依然在那兒,無論以什麽方式。


4.章魚發神威幹掉德國 球迷要將它燉著吃

新浪體育 2010-07-07 13:34:21

南非世界杯半決賽第二場在西班牙隊和三屆世界杯冠軍德國隊之間展開。最終,憑借中衛普約爾的頭球,西班牙隊以 1-0 擊敗了德國,曆史上第一次殺入了世界杯決賽。

  此役之前,來自德國奧博豪森水族館的章魚保羅,已經成功預測對了德國隊戰勝澳大利亞、小負塞爾維亞、擊敗加納、狂勝英格蘭和阿根廷的比賽勝負, 5 次預測全部正確,保持了與 08 年歐洲杯一樣、在 5 戰之後的百分百命中率。

  在半決賽之前,德國人迫不及待的再次請出章魚保羅預測,但這一次保羅預測的是西班牙贏球。這令很多德國球迷非常鬱悶,由於章魚保羅此前預測成功率極高,高達 91% ,因此,很多德國球迷在失望之餘甚至揚言要殺掉保羅,將它燉肉吃。

  不過,章魚保羅此前的預測命中率並非百分百,它也有犯錯的時候,這也是德國球迷所希望看到的。 2008 年歐洲杯,保羅成功預測對了德國隊戰勝波蘭、奧地利、葡萄牙和土耳其以及負於克羅地亞的比賽勝負。在那屆杯賽中,保羅隻預測錯了一場比賽,那就是歐洲杯決賽。當時,保羅預測德國將會拿下西班牙奪冠,但最終結果卻是:西班牙憑借托雷斯的破門絕殺德國奪冠。

  此役之後,出道兩年的章魚保羅在 08 歐洲杯和 2010 世界杯兩屆大賽中,預測 12 次猜對 11 次、成功率飆升至 92% ,堪稱不折不扣的“章魚帝”。不過,有趣的是,章魚保羅預測的德國隊的所有 12 場比賽,最終都分出了勝負,其中無一平局,這也從一定程度上提高了保羅的預測成功率。


   2008 年歐洲杯: 6 次中 5 ;預測成功率: 83%

  小組賽首戰預測德國勝波蘭 結果:德國 2-0 勝

  小組賽次戰預測德國負克羅地亞 結果:德國 1-2 負

  小組賽末戰預測德國勝奧地利 結果:德國 1-0 勝

   1/4 決賽預測德國勝葡萄牙 結果:德國 3-2 勝

  半決賽預測德國勝土耳其 結果:德國 3-2 勝

  決賽預測德國勝西班牙 結果:德國 0-1 負

   2010 年世界杯: 6 次全中;預測成功率迄今為止 100%

  小組賽首戰預測德國勝澳大利亞 結果:德國 4-0 勝

  小組賽次戰預測德國負塞爾維亞 結果:德國 0-1 負

  小組賽末戰預測德國勝加納 結果:德國 1-0 勝

   1/8 決賽預測德國勝英格蘭 結果:德國 4-1 勝

   1/4 決賽預測德國勝阿根廷 結果:德國 4-0 勝

  半決賽預測德國負西班牙 結果:德國 0-1 負


5. 章魚預測西班牙勝德國 科學原理揭曉

新浪體育 2010-07-06 15:09:08

  南非世界杯有多神奇,看看章魚“保羅”就知道了。到目前為止,這隻來自德國奧伯豪森水族館的小章魚預測世界杯已經取得了 5 連勝。這不,明晨西班牙大戰德國,神奇的“保羅”又出手了:西班牙戰勝德國。



  德國當地時間 7 月 6 日 11 點 ( 北京時間 6 日 17 點 ) ,備受關注的章魚哥出動了。在眾人期待的目光中,“保羅”對世界杯半決賽德國與西班牙進行了預測,最終它選擇了西班牙——這意味著,“保羅”認為歐洲冠軍西班牙將在半決賽擊敗勢頭強勁的德國進入決賽。

  不可否認的是,由於“保羅”預測神準,關心球隊勝負的球迷們開始追蹤“保羅”的一舉一動,奧伯豪森水族館的工作人員提前通知半決賽的“章魚行動”是在當地時間 6 日 11 點。隨著這個時刻的來臨,奧伯豪森水族館的網站嚴重超出負荷,導致頁麵無法正常打開。另外,德國《圖片報》在網站上對“章魚行動”做了文字直播,引起了大量網民的關注。



  章魚有相當發達的大腦,可以分辨鏡中的自己,也可以走出科學家設計的迷宮,吃掉迷宮外的螃蟹。它有三個心髒,兩個記憶係統,大腦中有 5 億個神經元,稱得上是逃生高手,為了避開“獵食者”的捕殺,章魚除了運用我們熟知的擬態偽裝術、舍“腕”,還會用兩足“走路”逃生。




  本屆世界杯,章魚“保羅”隻預測德國的比賽,而且取得了 5 連勝。原來章魚預測是德國人玩的把戲。有人會問,為什麽其他國家不用章魚來預測本國球隊的勝負呢,答案是德國國旗的顏色正是章魚喜歡吃的食物顏色。


  德國國旗是黑、紅、黃,這是章魚最喜歡的食物的顏色,分明是躲在黑暗中兩條大蝦。他肯定首選進攻這樣的目標。澳大利亞的國旗是深藍 + 紅色米字,章魚認為食物太小而不會選擇,所以澳大利亞輸。而塞爾維亞的國旗,不但有一條紅色的蝦,還有一個紅色的螃蟹,章魚認為更有吸引力,所以沒選德國,德國輸了。按理說,加納的國旗跟德國國旗有相似的地方,但恰恰因為那個五星,讓章魚認為有雜質或危險,反而選擇德國,所以加納小負德國。英格蘭呢?一個醒目的紅十字,對章魚而言構成了攻擊性,反倒促使章魚選擇德國,結果英格蘭大敗。輪到阿根廷,沒有任何吸引章魚的顏色,大敗無可避免。

