文章來源: 染桃2009-02-10 10:20:00



我們所在的樓隻有六層,卻有 New York MercantileExchange的大字。我一直想當然地以為這是NYMEX的舊址。可是網上一搜才發現並非如此。Gerard R.Wolfe的《New York, 15 Walkingtours》一書中寫道:“No.628-630 (1882)was designed by Philadelphia architect Henry Schwarzmann, thesupervising architect of the 1876 Centennial Exposition. Built forHenry Newman's New York Mercantile Exchange, it has a rather flatbut pleasing facade, with bamboolike colomnettes and extensivefloral designs. The firm name emblazoned across the front adds tothe overall effect.”但此樓想來並沒有為NYMEX用過,因為在1884820日的The New York Times一則關於此樓的火災報道中有寫:“A fire was discoveredshortly after 4 o'clock yesterday morning on the fifth floor of thesix-story iron-front building Nos. 628 to 630 Broadway, runningthrough to Crosby-street, known as the New-York Mercantile ExchangeBuilding. ... The third, fifth, and sixth floors of the buildingare occupied by Cohn, Ball & Co., manufacturers ofclothing, who, with Henry Newman, own the structure. ... The firstfloor of No.626 Broadway is occupied by Joseph W. Lester& Co., dealers in hats. ...”而且這一搜還順帶發現此樓竟然有一定名氣,許多建築導遊都會提及。

