文章來源: 珊瑚礁2009-02-22 22:11:00


從前和ta並不認識。我倆的共同點,隻在於有個共同的、很好很好的朋友------ J。曾經聽J無意中提起過S,隻有片言隻語,並無深入描述,僅僅是提起而已。不過S份屬網上聞人,於是,聽過了,也就對ta有印象了。






【The Cruel War -- 血的戰爭】
Peter Paul & Mary

The Cruel War is raging, Johnny has to fight
血的戰爭爆發 你就要去戰鬥
I want to be with him from morning 'till night.
我想和你一起 和你朝夕與共
I want to be with him, it grieves my heart so,
我想和你一起 我的心在流淚
Won't you let me go with you?
No, my love, no.
不行 愛人 不行

Tomorrow is Sunday, Monday is the day
明天還有一天 後天就是決戰
that your Captain will call you and you must obey.
隊長在召喚你 你必須要服從
Your captain will call you it grieves my heart so,
隊長在召喚你 我的心在流淚
Won't you let me go with you?
No, my love, no.
不行 愛人 不行

I'll tie back my hair, men's clothing I'll put on,
束起我的長發 換上我的戎裝
I'll pass as your comrade, as we march along.
成為你的戰友 和你並肩行進
I'll pass as your comrade, no one will ever know.
成為你的戰友 沒有人會發覺
Won't you let me go with you?
No, my love, no.
不行 愛人 不行

Oh Johnny, oh Johnny, I fear you are unkind
愛人我的愛人 怕你對我不好
I love you far better than all of mankind.
我愛你這樣深 勝過任何的人
I love you far better than words can e're express
我愛你這樣深 言語無法表達
Won't you let me go with you?
Yes, my love, yes.
好吧 愛人 好吧

They marched into battle, she never left his side
他們並肩戰鬥 他們形影不離
'Til a bullet shell struck her and love was denied
她被子彈擊中 愛情不再永遠
A bullet shell struck her, tears came to Johnny's eyes
她被子彈擊中 他的淚淌下來
As he knelt down beside her, she silently died.
跪倒在她身邊 她已悄然離去