the help
文章來源: breezebrook2011-12-02 12:05:01
One of my “extended family” 被逼出了這一篇, 我雖還沒看過, 但已經迫不及待了。

我就爆發一個吧,剛剛寫的“The Help”的影評:

You is kind, you is smart, you is important---the Help
"You is kind, you is smart, you is important" 這是黑人女仆Aibileen 對她照看的白人小女孩每天都說的話。這話聽得我窩心又痛心。黑人女人和黑人男人真是不同的物種。這裏的黑人男人會把家和孩子象垃圾一樣扔掉自己逃走,他們 的女人卻不知哪來的自信,不但自己頑強的堅守,還能把這份自信傳給自己的死對頭白人的孩子。這份自信也許是caregiver能給孩子的最好最好的禮物 了。我感動,是因為心裏明白, how true these words are;痛心,是因為相比她們,自己做的實在差的太遠,真的很慚愧。
  “Every morning, until you dead in the ground, you gone have to make this decision. You gone have to ask yourself, "Am I gone believe what them fools say about me today“”Your mom didn't pick her life. It picked her. But you, you gonna do something big with yours." 這是另外一個黑人女仆Constantine看著13歲的白人女孩Skeeter自己躲在樹下正為又一個男孩說她醜而難過時說的話。這句話也stuck with me,揮之不去。這是怎樣的簡單樸素卻常常讓人忽視的大智慧。怎麽這麽巧都來自這些底層的黑人?讓我想起另外一部黑人電影the pursuit of happyness。 Will Smith對自己的兒子說你別打籃球了,做些有用的東西吧。。後來他又向兒子認錯,懺悔,說"Don't ever let someone tell you, you can't do something. Not even me.” 這些話都是那麽的powerful, 都讓我反思。這些智慧大人也許會慢慢摸索明白,可一張白紙的小孩子,大人說什麽就信什麽的幼童,不是應該一早就有這份自信嗎?我真的得時時提醒自己。
  看著黑人被看作colored,被隔離時過的日子,我會忍不住對比我們中國人。Aibileen做女仆一小時掙95cents,Skeeter 在報社工作,一天掙7美元。黑人不能用白人的廁所,可是主人給她們單獨做一個廁所,用白人的話是"separate but equal"。黑人不能和主人坐一個桌子吃飯,可是她們也吃同樣的飯。她們有自己房子,裏麵的廚房用具一點不少。她們有自己的bus,有自己的 church。小孩子還可以上大學。不算太差嘛。女仆是雇傭性質,雙方都可以終止合約。就這樣她們還是覺得你欠她的,還很有脾氣。一個黑人被無理開除了, 晚上他們就暴亂。再惹毛了她們,還會讓你吃s。還會against the law,把他們的遭遇寫下來傳播出去。很不好對付呢。確實,他們有Rosa Parks,拒絕給白人讓座。還出了個Martin Luther King, 一個讓全美少數族裔都獲益的偉人。從1960年到現在,托黑人的福,美國人在civil rights方麵還是很有進步的。我們呢?有進步嗎?是否每個人都有自己的尊嚴驕傲和勇氣?是否每個人都會獨立地思考?是否曾經想過無論多麽卑微,都能去 爭取,去改變?我們的底層階級呢?是否還那麽認命那麽循規蹈矩那麽隨大流?是我們的製度問題?還是因為我們的教育問題?我們從小就被教育要乖,要聽話,要 懂事,從小就沒有"You is kind, you is smart, you is important" 的教育?路,好像還很長呢。
  Constantine教出了反叛自信的Skeeter,自己卻冤死了。 還片著尿布的小女孩Mae Mobley會對Aibileen說,"You are my real mama。“ Aibileen 說兒子曾說家裏會出一個作家,沒想到會是我。。很多情節讓人感動。。電影裏的人物雖有些臉譜化,有些hollywood式,可都還豐滿挺有代表性的。故事 講得很流暢,畫麵很美,美國南方真漂亮。很喜歡這樣的笑中有淚,uplifting的故事。隻是不知如果作者是個黑人,又會有什麽不同。
  下麵是書中Aibileen給Mae Mobley 講過的一個故事,看看這是怎樣的幼童教育:
  “Once upon a time they was two girls," I say. "one girl had black skin, one girl had white."
  Mae Mobley look up at me. She listening.
  "Little colored girl say to little white girl, 'How come your skin be so pale?' White girl say, 'I don't know. How come your skin be so black? What you think that mean?'
  "But neither one a them little girls knew. So little white girl say, 'Well, let's see. You gothair, I got hair.'"I gives Mae Mobley a little tousle on her head.
  "Little colored girl say 'I got a nose, you got a nose.'"I gives her little snout a tweak. She got to reach up and do the same to me.
  "Little white girl say, 'I got toes, you got toes.' And I do the little thing with her toes, but she can't get to mine cause I got my white work shoes on.
  "'So we's the same. Just a different color', say that little colored girl. The little white girl she agreed and they was friends. The End."
  Baby Girl just look at me. Law, that was a sorry story if I ever heard one. Wasn't even no plot to it. But Mae Mobley, she smile and say, "Tell it again.”