文章來源: 2009-01-11 17:38:20


做了兩個MRI:一個是hip joint,包括股骨頭在內一切正常;另一個是lower back, 情況好象不妙。下麵是報告的部分內容(有問題的部分):

MRI lumber spine: Sagittal T1-weighted and T2-weighted images of the lumber spine were obtained along with axial proton density images parallel to the L2-L3 through L5-S1 disc spaces. Axial T2-wieghted images were obtained from L3-L4 through the sacrum.

The L2-L3 and L3-L4 levels are unremarkable. Mild desiccation of disc material is present at L4-l5. This level is otherwise unremarkable.

At L5-S1, endplate spurring is present along with a concentric disc bulge. Desiccation of disc material is present.A mild broad-based central disc protrusion may be present as well,but there is no significant compression of the thecal sac or the nerve roots. Prominent type II fatty degenerative signal changes are present in the endplates. There is no spinal stenosis. The neural foramina are patent.

A relatively large Tarlov cyst is seen posterior to the second sacral segment, noted noted to the right of midline.

IMPRESSION: Degenerative changes are present at L5-S1. A superimposed mild broad-based central disc protrusion may be present at this leel as well, but there is no evidence fo compression of the thecal sac ro nerve roots.

Incidental note is made of a relatively large right-sided Tarlov cyst posterior to the the second sacral segment.