On the nature of understanding
文章來源: bymyheart2011-07-22 08:51:00
Say you hoped to
tame something
wild and stayed
calm and inched up
day by day.Or even
not tame it but
meet it halfway.
Things went along.
You made progress,
it would be a
lengthy proccess,
sensing changes
in your hair and
nails.So it's
strange when it
attacks:you thought
you had a deal.
                                                     -----Kay Ryan
讀這首登載7月25日的NEW YORKER上,非常喜歡他的自然和一氣嗬成,沒有故作高深。據紐約客介紹詩人因“THE BEST OF IT: NEW AND SELECTED POEMS"獲得今年的普利策獎.