Gardening the Natural Way
文章來源: carehealth2009-05-03 04:03:25

Tips to take you through the whole season.

Flowers and Perennials


  • Loosen garden soil and add composted manure.
  • Now is the best time to apply fertilizer that will feed all season-long.
  • Prune roses and cut back ornamental grasses and perennials.
  • Divide overgrown perennials.
  • Identify areas for new plantings. Be sure to use a starter fertilizer.
  • Monitor for insect and disease infestations. When pest problems occur, take "first-step" action using natural, environmentally-friendly control products.


  • Stake taller plants for support.
  • Deadheading flowers will encourage repeat blooms.
  • Use landscape fabric and a 4-inch layer of mulch to prevent weeds.
  • Feed regularly with a high phosphorus fertilizer to encourage blooms.
  • Water early in the morning or at dusk, not in the heat of the day. Use a ground-lying soaker hose in area of dense growth.

Trees and Shrubs


  • Remove winter wraps when the risk of frost has passed.
  • Spray dormant oil to control over-wintering diseases and insects on trees and ornamentals.
  • Feed established trees and shrubs with a high-nitrogen fertilizer to encourage healthy, woody growth.
  • Prune back forsythia after blooming.
  • Prune summer-blooming ornamentals after the risk of frost has passed.
  • Plant bare-root trees. Be sure to use starter fertilizer and Triple Mix.


  • Water newly-planted trees well around their trunks.
  • Prune early flowering shrubs.
  • Prune evergreens and hedges.
  • Watch for insect pests, diseases and weeds.