文章來源: 綠葉紅花美2013-09-07 08:25:57

我的新浪博客地址: http://blog.sina.com.cn/lvyehonghuamei


  “作為一名亞裔美國人,我從小生活在城郊地區(矽穀算是城郊嗎?),一直到上了大學,才有幾會在大都市讀書。我旅遊過許多地方。去過中國,也到過美國其他 城市,親眼見識了不同文化背景下的人們,他們不同的生活狀態和文化修養。但是, 這樣的旅遊,多半是走馬觀花,遊客心態。在中國旅遊,我被親戚朋友環繞,在美國旅遊,我總是住在酒店。眼睛所見,多是人為安排好的完美風景。沒有人知道我 的內心渴求,是希望看見它的另一麵,即真實的一麵。隻可惜沒有機會,無緣看見。

  美國這個國家,在我心目中的深刻印象,幾乎來自於兩個偉大的美國小說家:一個是海明威,另一個是約翰-斯坦貝克。在他們的小說中,我看見了美國人的價值 觀、自由和信念,當然還有重視舒適生活、安全的環境和寬容的精神。我想親自體驗斯坦貝克筆下的美國,我想住進海明威描述的美國。rediscover America for myself.

  所幸我的父母在教育他們的孩子時,給了我們一個寬鬆健康的自由環境,使得我看到生活的多樣性。我是一個求知和好奇心都極旺盛的年輕人。這個夏天,去尋找一 個我心目中的美國,成為了我計劃的核心。我想為自己的經曆尋求一個證明,而不想象其他的同學那樣,關起門來做實習或做研究。

  科羅拉多之旅,有可能是我精神之旅的最有意義的一次經曆。它讓我變得成熟,It really grew me as a man。

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I have to preface this journal entry by first saying that I am still growing as a man and learning what it means to be a loving human being to my fellow people, but my trip to Colorado was probably one of the most rewarding and mentally testing experiences of my life. It really grew me as a man.


  Before, I was the suburban child that later moved to an urban area for my higher education. My parents have always given me a healthy amount of freedom, so I got to see multiple ways of life, especially when I took trips to China. Different parts and different people of America, however, was a different story. I had always stayed either at Asian family friends’ places or hotels while traveling through America, never giving me the other side of the picture that I longed to see.


  I longed to see the picture of America that was painted in my mind by great novelists like Steinbeck and Hemmingway, a rugged land with rugged people that would do rugged work. An America that valued work, freedom, and conviction apart from the America I see that values comfort, safety, and tolerance. I wanted to see the Steinbeck America. I wanted to live in the Hemmingway America. That is what led me to set aside the centerpiece of my summer to, instead of do an internship or research, rediscover America for myself.


( To be Continued...)