新加坡十年內將超越東京 超高淨值富翁人數將列亞洲第一
文章來源: insight7772014-03-05 23:54:53

一份報告預測,新加坡的超高淨值富翁(ultra-high-net-worth individuals)人數在接下來十年內將增加多達1724人,使我國成為全球超高淨值富翁人數增加最多的城市。新加坡屆時也將超越東京成為亞洲擁有最多超高淨值富翁的城市。

超高淨值富翁指的是擁有至少3000萬美元淨資產的富豪。根據房地產顧問公司萊坊(Knight Frank)與新加坡銀行(Bank of Singapore)最新發布的《2014年財富報告》預測,到了2023年,新加坡預計會有多達4878名超高淨值富翁,比去年的3154人增加1724人或55%。





萊坊亞太區研究部主管霍爾特(Nicholas Holt)說:“主要的競爭之地是在亞洲,我們看到一些地點正在互相競爭,希望可以明確成為(超高淨值富翁在)這個地區的最主要樞紐城市。”








Mar 6, 2014 -

Singapore retained its position as the 3rd most important global city for Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWIs) in 2014 behind New York and London, according to the latest Knight Frank Wealth Report.

But the city-state is top for UHNWIs in Asia, beating out Hong Kong which took 4th spot globally, while Shanghai was in 6th place and Beijing (9th). However come 2024, these cities will be vying for the number one spot in Asia. 

“History, location and their long-established wealth mean that London and New York's positions look unassailable, at least for now. It is further down our leader board that the real city wars are being waged,” said Nicholas Holt, Knight Frank’s Head of Research for Asia Pacific.

“The main battleground is Asia, where a handful of locations are slugging it out in the hope of establishing a clear lead as the region's alpha urban hub,” he added.

Singapore also emerged as the next best location for second-home ownership among UHNWIs, behind the UK. The 3rd and 4th places were clinched by the US and Australia respectively.

The republic also has the 4th most expensive 
luxury property, trailing London, Hong Kong and Monaco. Specifically, US$1 million in Singapore can buy 32.6 sq m of high-end property compared to 25.2 sq m in London, 20.6 sq m for Hong Kong and 15 sq m in Monaco.

The Wealth Report asked nearly 600 private bankers and wealth advisors around the world to provide insight into their UHNWI clients’ attitudes towards a wide range of topics, including their homes, investments and ability to generate further wealth. The results represent the views of over 23,000 UHNWIs with an average worth of US$68 million and totalling about US$1.5 trillion.