文章來源: 雙子在側2012-07-18 21:33:53

ED: Early Decision 錄取了一定要去
EA: Early Action 錄取了可以不去
SCEA: Single Choice Early Action 隻能申請一所學校但錄取了可以不去

Princeton: SCEA
Harvard: SCEA
Brown: ED
Columbia: ED
Yale: SCEA
Cornell: ED
Dartmouth: ED

Stanford: SCEA
Johns Hopkins: ED
Notre Dame: EA
Rice: ED, ID (Interim/Dec.1)
U-Mich Ann Arbor: Rolling
Cal-Tech: EA
U-Chicago: EA
Boston College - SCEA
Carnegie Mellon University-ED
Duke University - ED
Emory University-ED (2 rounds,miss 掉1st round, 還可以在2nd round ED)
Georgetown University - EA (restricted; can't do ED to other schools;no denial)
Northwestern University-ED
University of California - Berkeley: none
University of California - Los Angeles: none
University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill - EA
University of Virginia -none
Vanderbilt University-ED
Washington University - St. Louis - ED

Wellesley: ED
Vassar: ED
Harvey Mudd: ED
Amherst College-ED
Barnard College - ED
Bates College- ED
Bowdoin College-ED
Bryn Mawr College
Carleton College
Claremont McKenna College- ED
Colby College
Colgate University-ED (2 rounds)
Davidson College-ED
Grinnell College
Hamilton College
Haverford College - ED
Kenyon College
Macalester College
Middlebury College - ED (2 rounds)
Mount Holyoke College
Oberlin College
Pomona College- ED (2 rounds)
Reed College- ED (2 rounds)
Smith College
Swarthmore-ED (2 rounds, I think!)
Trinity College (Connecticut)
Washington & Lee University
Wesleyan University-ED (2 rounds)
Whitman College
Williams College-ED