媽媽吃藥! Mom, take the medicine!
文章來源: 姍姍而行2009-12-07 18:06:28


I am sick recently. The doctor gave me some medicine to take. I always forget take my medicine on time. Some time I took the medicine in the morning but forgot the one in the evening. Now I cannot forget my medicine because Shanshan remembers. Every time, when I still read online news, Shanshan brings my medicine to me and saying “mom, take the medicine! Mom, take the medicine!” I open the bottle and get one pill out to put into Shanshan’s hand. Then Shanshan feed me. Every time, Shanshan is very happy. Sometimes, even I already took my medicine or it is not the time to take, Shanshan brings me the medicine and force me to take one. She will not give up though I explain to her that mom already took one or it is not the right time. She keeps asking “mom, take the medicine! Take the medicine!” I get a headache every time Shanshan forces me to take the medicine. I try hard to find something else that Shanshan may be interested in to let her forget asking me to take the medicine.