文章來源: 閩姑2010-04-01 14:15:09


     說實話,收到這些問題後,我沉默了好幾天,一時不敢作答。自知任何輕率的回答都可能被認為是對中國傳統習俗的不忠不敬或稱為挑戰、反叛。若因此引起剛剛成為新爸爸新媽媽的夫妻的爭吵,就更不妥了。所以決定換個角度,說說美國醫院給產婦們的護理和一些重要的出院指導(discharge instructions)。有無道理,大家自己判斷吧。

     美國醫院的確給所有的產婦送來冰水---帶冰塊的、真正的冰水。也送冰箱裏的牛奶、Orange Juice,Apple Juice,Prune Juice等飲料給你喝。除了肉類蛋白質外,也搭配給你生菜沙拉(Salad)。最好的大概算土豆泥了,是熟的、熱的。沒有開水、沒有熱雞湯。這樣的飲食供應的確使很多中國姐妹皺起了眉頭。




     自然分娩的產婦都有不同程度的陰道/會陰撕裂(laceration或俗稱tear)或嬰兒太大而不得不做的會陰切開術(Episiotomy)。所以在你分娩後血壓血氧等指標都穩定了被送到產後觀察室(Postpartum Unit)時,那裏的護士就會遞給你一個冰袋(ice pack),指導你墊在會陰處消腫止痛。不能喝冰水,不能沾冷水,一切都用熱水的中國習俗,使很多姐妹接受不了這冰袋的使用。但是請相信,它的確能消腫止痛、幫助愈合,縮短你在醫院的時間。有時候它比止痛藥還管用。除了第一天(分娩後24小時內)的冰袋外,若是三度、四度的撕裂,加上嚴重痔瘡的話,護士們還會教你用Sitz baths(溫水坐浴盆坐浴)或加用 Witch Hazel compresses(一種草藥溫敷)和Tucks® medicated pads護墊來緩解傷口和痔瘡(hemorrhoid)的不適。同樣的,請相信我,它們的好處多過你的憂慮。

圖(1):Sitz Bath tub

圖(2):Tucks Medicated Pads


     (A sitz bath is a plastic tub that fits over the toilet and can be filled with water. Sitting in the warm water for 15 to 20 minutes can provide relief from the discomfort from hemorrhoids, fistulas, anal fissures, or an episiotomy. This can be done by sitting in a bathtub filled with a few inches of water, but using a plastic sitz bath that fits over the toilet is often more convenient.)











     產褥期是指從分娩結束到產婦身體恢複至孕前狀態的一段時間。正常情況下,胎兒及胎盤娩出後,子宮就會開始複位,胎盤剝離的創麵的完全愈合大概需要六周的時間,因此把產褥期定到產後的六周,也就是說從胎兒娩出後到產後的六周這個時間叫做產褥期,民間俗稱“月子”。美國也是相同的。若無傷口感染或出血或劇烈疼痛等症,指定六周後到產科醫生複查,叫six-week postpartum visit。


     • 從在醫院開始,就讓你多休息。如果你不希望電話或來訪者的幹擾,隻要你一說明,電話就會在某一時段打不進來,來訪者將被擋在門外。回家後也鼓勵你多休息,將窗簾掛上,拔掉電話,小寶寶睡時你也睡,摟著小寶寶甜甜地睡上一覺,保持精力充沛。(Remain in your bathrobe or lounge wear for the first week at home and rest whenever possible. New babies tend to be more awake at night than during the day for the first three weeks, so be prepared to rest when your baby sleeps. )

     • 找人幫忙:讓家人或兄弟姐妹幫助買菜做飯清潔衛生等工作。讓朋友或鄰居幫助帶寵物去散步,或帶上大一點的孩子去公園等。(Let family members or others help with household chores, such as, laundry, cooking, shopping, cleaning, etc. When friends offer to help, let them! )

     • 讓配偶請二周的假或同時雇小時工幫忙。(If possible, arrange to have your partner take one to two weeks off after the baby arrives. If possible, hire outside help for a few hours during the first weeks, even if your partner will be off work and helping. You will both need some time to adjust and be with the baby. )

     • 盡量簡化生活。用紙盤紙碗,叫外賣等。(Make life as simple as possible by using paper plates, take-out food and delivery services. Take it easy! )

     • 注意飲食搭配。(Review your diet to be sure you have enough protein, calcium and iron in your diet. For more information on calcium and iron, ask your health care provider about calcium and iron supplements.)

     • 注重產後鍛練。醫生或理療師(Physical Therapist)會指導剖腹產婦如何用特殊的姿勢彎腰、下蹲和提重物,減少對肌肉韌帶的損害及自然分娩的產婦要盡快地做凱格爾運動(Kegel exercises),加快恢複,防止子宮下垂和以後的尿失禁。

     • 不管是母乳還是用奶粉喂養,都有Support Group或Lactation Consultant或Lactation Hotline or Program交流和指導新媽媽如何處理乳頭紅腫、乳腺發炎和漲奶等常見問題及答疑,讓新媽媽們更好地照顧自己和新生兒。

     • 最後看兩個出院指導(discharge instructions)。它們也強調休息和讓身體恢複的重要,不是毫無禁忌的。

1. 自然分娩後何時恢複日常活動?

Resuming Usual Activities Following Your Vaginal Birth:


Two weeks — this allows time for healing to occur, although sitz baths are OK immediately after delivery.



 (>15 pounds)

One week, give yourself permission to rest and recuperate from the “work effort” of labor. Do not try to do too much too soon.



Climbing stairs


Sexual intercourse

After six-week postpartum visit/instructions. Remember, you can become pregnant even if you are breastfeeding. We recommend that you wait until after you see your obstetric care provider.

Home activities

Give yourself permission to rest and recuperate. Wait two weeks before you resume strenuous cleaning activities.

Driving/travel (local)

Immediately, if you can walk without discomfort and are not dizzy or bleeding excessively, the short drives will do no harm. On the other hand, having a friend or relative drive you around may be preferable.

(long distance)


After six-week postpartum visit/instructions.

Back to Work

After six-week postpartum visit/instructions.


2. 剖腹產後何時恢複日常活動?



Resuming Usual Activities Following Your Cesarean Birth:


Two weeks — this allows time for healing to occur.


Immediately, but allow water to run gently over your incision, not hit it directly.

 (>15 pounds)


 After postpartum visit/instructions — although your abdomen looks well healed, your inner tissues and muscles require at least six to eight weeks to resume their usual strength. Do not risk injuring these healing structures by exerting yourself.

Walking (short distance)

Immediately, but pace yourself and do not allow yourself to become fatigued or overly tired.

Climbing Stairs

One week, except when obviously necessary.

Sexual Intercourse

After six-week postpartum visit/instructions. Remember, you can become pregnant even if you are breastfeeding. We recommend that you wait until after you see your obstetric care provider.

Home Activities

Give yourself permission to NOT do housework — four weeks at least!

Driving (local)


Three weeks — you must be able to apply the brakes without experiencing ANY hesitation due to abdominal pain or pain from your incision. Practice this in the car before actually going out for a drive. You must be able to react rapidly to any automobile emergency. Do not take any chances. Let someone else drive.

Driving (long distance)

After six-week postpartum visit/instructions.

Travel (local)

Two weeks, let others come to you.

Travel (long distance)

After six-week postpartum visit/instructions.

Back to Work

After six-week postpartum visit/instructions.


     1.  你會做凱格爾運動(Kegel exercises)嗎?

     2.  Pregnancy and Baby Care(點擊鏈接裏的英文subject title,打開pdf 文件,裏麵有中英對照內容)

     **今天(09/30/2010)補加一個《中國醫學院畢業並在美行醫的醫生名錄》鏈接,方便查找美國各州行醫的各科中國醫生,請點擊: http://physician.cmgforum.net/