又到完稅日, Babeland接著給納稅人送性玩具
文章來源: 酸豆汁2010-04-15 11:54:21

今天是4月15號,又到了一年一度的完稅日。大夥兒報稅辛苦了,Starbucks送免費咖啡,Dunkin Donut提供免費炸麵圈,Taco Bell送免費墨西哥煎玉米卷,Cinnabon給每位2個杯形糕餅,還是不要錢......真是太好了,吃完這些,估摸著怎麽也夠飽的,今天就不用花時間做飯了,嗬嗬。

Enjoy some free Starbucks coffee on Thursday. Just like the Sock Monkey's!


Stressed out from taxes? Babeland can help! If you shop at the store now through the 18th, they'll give you a free Gold or Silver bullet vibrator with any purchase over $75. AND you can get 15% off any Babeland purchase today by using the promo code "taxday."


點擊比較一下,這個是去年的禮物:完稅日, Babeland給納稅人送性玩具

我給同學們送首歌吧: mariah carey的my all