文章來源: 酸豆汁2009-04-30 09:53:36

夏天坐在公園裏看露天電影,背景是布魯克林大橋,想想都美啊。今年夏季布魯克林大橋公園的露天電影從七月份開始,每周四晚上,從6 點到11點,具體在公園裏Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park區的草坪上。Brooklyn DJs will spin tunes before the movies, RICE again will be on hand selling boxed dinners and Transportation Alternatives will provide bike valet service. 有吃有喝有音樂,就盼著豬流感到那時已風平浪靜,嘿嘿。其實放映的影片大都早已看過,但坐在一群人中間,喝著冰啤,與眾樂樂地看,感覺還是不一樣。今年已經是第十個年頭,不希望這種美妙的活動被流感搞砸鍋啊。


The full-season schedule for Movies With a View:

Thursday, July 9
Feature Film: Raising Arizona
Short: Ami Underground directed by D.W. Young

Thursday, July 16
Feature Film: The Maltese Falcon
Short: Under the Rollercoaster directed by Lila Place
DJ: MonkOne

Thursday, July 23
Feature Film: Paper Moon
Short: The Coffee Bird directed by Bryan Brinkman
DJ: Tim “Love” Lee

Thursday, July 30
Feature Film: To Catch A Thief
Short: Icebox Blues directed by Jesse Ash
DJ: DJ Ayres

Thursday, August 6
Feature Film: The Return Of The Pink Panther (1975)
Short: It’s Good to Be Green directed by Michael Garvey
DJ: Soulstatic

Thursday, August 13
Feature Film: Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid
Short: Birdman of Brooklyn directed by JL Aronson
DJ: Nick Name

Thursday, August 20
Feature Film: Catch Me If You Can
Short: 6 a.m. directed by Carmen Vidal
DJ: DJ Emch

Thursday, August 27
Feature Film: Edward Scissorhands
Short: I Am Not Obsessed directed by Imani Dean
DJ: Oneman