movie and drink, June 24, 2005
文章來源: edmontonwoman2005-06-20 11:01:15

Thanks to my club members and my friends for attending the potluck and my birthday party last gathering. I was impressed by the food you brought and your heartwarming good wishes.  It is the best. We chatted, ate, drank, chatted, sang, chatted, laugh, and chatted.  So much fun!


To check out more information about the singles club, please visit the website:


This coming Saturday, we are going to watch an excellent movie - HITCH, and will have some drink at the nearby Tim Horton afterwards. Hitch is a great date movie, hilarious, fun, cute, and wonderfully created, starring Will Smith and Kevin James. I have watched it before and it is a brilliant movie worth watching again and again. Oops, I shall stop it now since I am not getting paid for advertising it here.


What: Watch movie HITCH and drink afterwards

Who: Fabulous and excellent single ladies and gentlemen

When: Saturday Evening, 7:25 PM - 9:30 PM

Where: Cinema 12, 3633 -99 Street

How much: three dollars per ticket


Should you need a ride, please let me know. Pickups may be available at the parking lot nearby Hub Mall bus stop.


Please sign up latest on Friday, June 24, 2005 by this email address or call me at 893-5268.


Lucy Miao
The President of the Singles Club