Dead Poet Society
文章來源: edmontonwoman2005-03-27 10:05:33
This is the most undeletable movie I have seen in my life, the theme resounding and connecting with mine completely. The western society values individualism, follows one's gut, believes each person’s uniqueness, and stands for his/her passion. A very different value system from China’s collectivism. Robin Williams’s performance was magnificent as an inspirational and passionate English teacher. He inspires a bunch of senior high student at Dalton School, the most famous boarding school for boys. With his vivid instructional methods, Mr. Keating preaches that one shall follow his/her passion, seize the day, and live a passionate life. One shall stand up for his/her beliefs no matter how hard it may prove. It was a fantastic movie. It was midnight when I watched it the first time; I screamed, shouted, and cried. I urge everyone to watch this movie. It may change your life. Quote from this movie: Sucking the marrow out of life; Carpe Diem (seize the day); Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, old time is still a flying, and this same flower that smiles today tomorrow will be dying.