文章來源: UnitedWeLearn2013-01-18 11:40:07




為了豐富我們的理解,我簡單的將其他宗教的概念對應到道德經上來,看看這裏的一,二,三到底能有著怎樣的特征。首先這三個數字不是在表達人間世界的概念,它是在表達生命的世界。從聖經上來看,新約更多的表達著的特征,而舊約文字所表達的上帝,則明顯帶著二(陽)的特征。所以當時的以色列人,當他們期待上帝使者再次到來的時候,他們的意識裏帶著一種深深的(陽)的印象。他們不相信耶穌是他們所期待的,因為耶穌帶來的不是刀槍和征服,而是愛與和平。但是舊約給人們的印象,更多的是 The power of force, the God who has created the heaven and earth,所以猶太人在期待著這樣的一個領袖的到來。可能耶穌看到了當時的問題,他認為猶太人需要一種新的生命,那就是,將愛與和諧引入到這個世界。當然這不是說舊約裏的上帝就是刀槍和征服,而是人們的意識裏帶著一種固有的成見,一種隻為自己的民族和部落帶來福祉的偏見。所以一個隻讀舊約的人,很難接受新約的耶穌,maybe they are expecting a warrior and protector but not a spirit with peace and love,所以這是一個意識的跳躍,這是一次精神的地震。

如果說新約更多的是談三,舊約更多是談二(陽),那麽佛教則更多的是在說二(陰)。在大的宗教流派中,很少看到談的。雖然每個宗教都說一,但是他們隻接受自己的,而不是 the Oneness Of Totality。我隻是在一些散落的自由精神探索者中間,偶爾的見到一些談一的。但是這些人還沒有形成一個團體和流派。至於道,可能在2000年前就停止了。雖然現在很多人在說道,但是這種產生一,二,三的道,實在是難以理解,實在是玄,就更不用說繼承和發展了。當代人所說的道,可能更多的是萬物層麵的道,這種道與產生一,二,三的道大有不同。

當然這不是說這些大的宗教層次低,其實每個宗教都可以包含一,二,三,至少它們都包含了某些成分,隻是其強調的重點不同。但是在具體宗教團體的實踐中,在個人的具體感悟上,顯然他們帶著自己獨特的視角。他們都有著自己獨特的openclose的地方。所以所謂的層次並不是上帝的問題,也不是佛的問題,而是我們每個人人心和認識的問題,是我們如何看待和體驗生命的問題。對於我個人來說,我感謝每一個宗教,每一派思想傳承,每一門藝術視角,每一個科學發現。雖然是中國人,但我的精神啟蒙卻來自於聖經,我從佛教,基督教,豐富的印度精神世界,和古老的猶太文化世界,學到了很多。我的個人體驗是,new consciousness and insight usually come from life, from the transcendental culture,  from the void between, and from love

我們不要小看宗教裏有關創世的言說,創世是關於我們生命的來去,是我們每個人最終要麵對的問題,它決定著整個生命的結構和走向, it is our deepest spiritual psyche。這就像平麵幾何裏,有無數個幾何測試,問題,定律和解答,但所有那些問題都是來自於5個公理,那5個公理創造了整個幾何世界。對於第五個公理,如果你認為平行線永遠不相交,那麽這就是我們中學學過的歐幾裏德平麵幾何。如果你認為兩個平行線可以相交,那麽這就是非歐幾裏德幾何,雖然學過這種幾何的人不多,但它也是數學的一個重要分支。所以一個簡單公理的默認,造成了整個數學世界的變化。從這裏我們會明白,一個非常簡單的認知,會產生一個龐大的世界。對於這個簡單認知的細微變化,則會產生一個不同的宇宙。至於到底哪個是真實的,這就取決於你的大小,你到底是開放的,還是封閉的。你開放什麽,又封閉什麽。這些決定著你的生命在哪裏,然後又走向何方。



此章談到負陰而抱陽,中(衝)氣以為和。所以至少我們可以從三個方向來入手,the light of yin, the light of yang, and the Qi which can bind and harmonize the both。不要把這裏的中理解為中間的位置,usually means a new transcendental space that will embrace both sides, harmonize both sides, and communicate with both sides。如果使用字,那麽除了有一種動態的感覺外,它還有一種虛空的概念。Then here it may focus more on dimensional, incorporeal and dynamic attributes。這是此章所描述的某種具體解釋,陰,陽和氣。既然是回到萬物之前的世界,我的體驗是,首先transform our 5 external senses to point to new consciousness space, shift their direction inward, and then form a new inner sense union in the “spiritual” body (in a sense, this is the true body will also include the physical depth), These new senses will direct our intention to the wonder of life where multiple new experiences will emerge. Gradually a new world will be felt, seen and revealed. Within this new space, you will experience the light of power, wisdom and love. From this point, you can start the journey of Three, Two, and One. As for the landscape of this new world, we can discuss further in the future sessions. However, we cannot stop our journey at ONE, we have to open again, open to the mystery, open to Dao. Maybe this is the first time we really start facing the mysterious Dao, facing our forefathers, facing the new frontier of life. Then will this be the end of our journey? Definitely not, this is just the beginning of life.

如果說三生萬物,那麽這個世界的所有存在,都是來自於一,二,三的恩賜。We all have the memory of the above and also have the potential to live in that bliss這就像地上的萬物都承受著引力,引力作用於一切物質,但是我們隻看到落下的蘋果,卻看不到萬有引力。But this power is within every apple and all the apples have the memory of it though it is hidden in the silent。回憶20歲的青春,很多人都有愛情的記憶。可能人們隻知道愛情與荷爾蒙有關,但是卻忽略了荷爾蒙後麵的深層存在,a taste that leads us to the richness, depth and meaning of life. Love is not something that we are looking for but something we want to manifest. Love is not something that we want to own but something that can transforms us, nurtures us, and empowers us to grow. 一陰, 一陽, 一氣(the energy, the love attraction that can bind both), gradually you forget the form of this world, temporarily a “blindness” that covers our eyes and stop our minds, this world disappearss so that a love world can emerge. Within this new world, you can fully experience the nature of soul, power, purity, 三, 二, 一, and love. Within this period of time, ego is totally surrendered to love, and it will make you feel that your life’s purpose is fulfilled. Even death cannot threaten you anymore. Sure this love will fail because it is a grace from above and nature but not from our own understanding and inner maturity. We are only given a seed but it is up to us to plant the seed and grow. When we become older, some people don’t believe the world of love, we even laugh at it. The taste is forgotten and the seed is thrown away. We only live around the center of conditioned self. The other (TWO) is mostly ignored and the powerful Oneness is never experienced again. Love (THREE) is only a word in fiction so we have to live in a cold, lonely and dead world.

But imagine this love world is always here and it never leaves us. We don’t need the blindness (as happened in the love when we are young) to enter the world of love, we can use the inner eyes, wisdom and soul to see this world, to touch this world, and to build this world. Furthermore, the power of Three, Two and One are not only manifested in human relationship, but it also shows its way in all beings, actions, thoughts, minds and emotions. Does this world exist? 我想這正是我們需要探索一,二,三的原因。


不同的人對這段話有著不同的解釋。似乎這麽一句突如其來的話讓人捉摸不透。無論是好人,還是惡人,每個人都有自己死的方式。但是Where we live will decide where we die. If we are a fish, then we will die as a fish. If we are monkey, then we will die as a monkey. If we are stuck in a tunnel vision, then we will die in that tunnel vision.

Where we want to die? Look at where we are now. If we can embrace the Yin and Yang, then we can return to the ONE, the eternal home of human soul.


此段落有很多指導實踐的意義。如果你有這種體驗 ,那麽你可以借用此段來驗證你的神秘體驗。這個段落也間接的表達了這樣的意思,無為可以至柔,因為至柔可以至堅,所以無為有益。我的體驗也確實如此,unconditional love cannot come from the conditioned self. Unconditional love is indeed powerful. 什麽是至柔?什麽是至堅?怎麽體驗至柔馳騁於至堅?怎麽做到無有?什麽是無有?這句話可以引出無限的另一個話題。