諾獎頒獎時序曝光 挪威歌曲揭幕:我知道你會回來(圖) 明報
文章來源: 英台2010-12-09 17:07:49
諾獎頒獎時序曝光 挪威歌曲揭幕:我知道你會回來(圖) 明報

【明報專訊】今晚(10日)頒獎禮的音樂安排別具意思,典禮一開始由女高音演唱的《Solveig's song》即可堪玩味。歌曲是挪威文化瑰寶,挪威作曲家格裏格(Edvard Grieg)1875年應劇作家易卜生(Henrik Ibsen)之邀,為劇作《皮爾金特》(Peer Gynt)創作組曲,《Solveig's song》是其中插曲,由易卜生填詞。歌詞節錄如下﹕

The winter may pass and the spring disappear

The spring disappear

The summer too will vanish and then the year

And then the year

But this I know for certain: you'll come back again

You'll come back again

And even as I promised you'll find me waiting then

You'll find me waiting then

God help you when wand'ring your way all alone, your way all alone.

God grant to you his strength as you'll kneel at his throne, as you'll kneel at his throne.


劉曉波愛童聲 兒童合唱團獻藝


朗讀劉曉波著作的莉芙烏曼(Liv Ullmann)亦大有來頭,她是挪威演員兼導演,是瑞典電影大師英瑪褒曼的愛將及靈感女神,演過褒曼多部經典電影。她也是人權活躍人士,是聯合國兒童基金會親善大使。