吉光片羽 book
文章來源: 走馬讀人2011-06-12 15:40:08

羅斯·特裏爾(Ross Terrill),已出版數十部著作,其中大部分有關中國,1980年出版《毛澤東傳》,被翻譯成中文等多種語言,在中國乃至世界產生了廣泛的影響。這本書作者曾向我外公諮詢與毛為湖南一師校友和護校誌願軍戰友的資料.
correct Antonyms:  damage, ruin, worsen

Rectification movement is history, but have we learned a lesson from the Cultural Revolution? Some people learned bad behavior, did evil things in the Westrn world; while others were still naive.

The way to protect is maybe: think like your enemy, become a me-tooer.

My stress in my writing is on reasoning. It must be like a lesson of Yoga instead of Tai-chi.
一位親戚,紅軍洗衣隊長,見過白軍殺死賀龍的子女,躲過被殺, 卻死在1960,還是在縣城裡。
溫州畫家許玉林人品厚重, 雖已仙逝多年,特誌不忘.
1名電工從電杆跌下來, 後來死在睡覺中. 工會主席,為其爭殉職待遇.

企業人力資源管理八  by xu

人性xian惡  人bu自覺  人需控製  人是重要
人難管理    人需尊重  人多樣化  人的管理科學