文章來源: 廣陵曉陽2021-04-09 06:26:33






附:女兒11年級寫的那篇獲獎作文,當年可口可樂基金會發起的中學生作文競賽主題是關於“peer pressure”(同輩壓力)。

From the New World

My mother once told me that life flows like a ceaseless symphony, majestic, riveting, mysterious, composed by the individual and made complete by the rhythmic throbs of the human spirit. During every strain, someone, somewhere, listens intently. The audience’s face promises an infinite folio of expressions—adoration, disdain, nonchalance… These responses, at times inspiring, at times cruel, and always judging, determine how the composer weaves the ensuing melody. All of us, authors from birth, hope that our works, our lives, win the approval of others. Sometimes, we yearn so ardently that if time were man’s to command, then its frames would forever freeze upon moments where acceptance is mirrored back. However, the pressure stemmed from the opinions of our peers is double-edged; if handled carelessly, we risk disillusionment and the cacophony of lifeless melodies that no longer promise rebirth.

I am but a child, with neither foresight like that of the prophets within Homeric epics nor wisdom granted so profusely to Solomon. I stumble. I get up, and I carry on, as all students do, with a fervent longing for acceptance. Personal identity seems all the more opaque as society offers clashing molds of truth, of morality, of purpose. Others want us to believe what they believe and pursue what they pursue, for in this relative and impressionable age, their vindication flows from the magnitude of their followers. On this journey, conforming is easy; but before you, before we all, jump onto the bandwagon, stop and listen; listen to the mind that seeks understanding beyond passive acceptance and to the heart that hopes for color in a sea of gray. For when we cultivate curiosity and ambition, we summon the courage to carve our own paths and pursue the inexplicable majesties of our own dreams.

Indeed, individualism does not foreshadow a life of solitude. True friends will walk alongside us, carry us, and push us beyond even our own faith in ourselves. They rejoice in our victories and grieve in our losses, and they are the ones whose opinions are truly substantial. But to have such friends, we must also reflect qualities we ourselves seek—compassion, love, loyalty, individuality. In first grade, when we chose to laugh at the boy with the funny accent, we were too young to understand; but today, as we all are older and hopefully wiser, ignorance is no longer excused. Today, we heed the consequences of our choices and bear the fruits of our actions.

For better or for worse, peer pressure was, is, and always will be a contributor to personal identity. But whatever the circumstances may be, if we learn to fix our eyes on aspirations greater than ourselves and take in the lessons of the present, our future will flower in magnificent beauty. And at that ultimate stage of understanding, we perhaps will be able to grasp and live out the timeless melodies of the world’s Masters…Mozart, Tchaikovsky, and Dvorak, his Symphony No.9, “From the New World.”