My Journal (Month 12)
文章來源: 和雨2006-02-09 19:34:36

Austin Chutian's 12th month

January 14, 2006, Saturday
We visited the Aquarium in Mystic today.  We saw a show of sea lions and many other animals such as sharks, seals and penguins.

January 15, 2006, Sunday
Uncle Maneesh and Aunt Bryna invited us for lunch at their home.  They were recently engaged in India!  What a great news!  They showed us a lot of photos taken from their trip in India.

January 22, 2006, Sunday
We went to Abate in Wooster Street in New Haven.  It's my 2nd time to be in this restaurant.  Lately almost every weekend we went to a different restaurant.

January 23, 2006, Monday
My grandma has left for China again.  Unlike last time, she will not be coming back in the near future, which is sad.

January 28, 2006, Saturday 
Today is Chinese New Year eve.  My god-parents Sherry and Shan invited us and some other Chinese families to their house for a party.  I met Alex who is 1 year older than me and his parents Aunt Linda and Uncle Doug.
I was born on Chinese New Year last year.  So I cut and ate a birthday cake!

February 3, 2006, Friday
I have been sick for 3 days and today I feel very very bad.  My dad came home early from work and I saw doctor in Pedi Care.

February 9, 2006, Thursday
I got well yesterday, just on time, because today is my 1st official birthday.  Another birthday cake, and 24 orange roses from my dad and mom. 
I am a 1-year-old now.  I can climb stairs and walk almost by myself.  A long journey is ahead of me.