借人氣急請教:我在學校的紀錄被一個same name中國人轉走了
文章來源: ganjinzhuce2008-07-14 10:08:36

我現在遇到一個非常麻煩的問題, 希望能得到高人的支點。
我在2004 年秋天上學,right now I am planning to do clear prior for my dissertation and get the diploma in December. clear prior means finishing everything before the first day of fall semester and getting the degree in fall. By doing that, it avoids my advisor paying 3 credit classes in fall semester.

因為我的 I-20 expire is gonna expires in the summer. So 大概 一個月以前,我到國際學生中心申請 延期一年。可是等了一個月以後,被告知 我的紀錄 有大麻煩了。話說,我們這學校有一個中國人 跟俺 有一抹一樣的名字,他在 2005 年轉學了。可是那愚蠢的國際學生辦公室的人竟然把 我的紀錄 轉走了,把它的紀錄 留下來了。在那人的新的學校裏,哪裏 國際學生辦公室的人,看到了紀錄裏的生日不相符合,更愚蠢的錯誤發生了。他們竟然把紀錄裏的生日該成他的(其實是我的記錄)。1年後,那人畢業了,申請 H1B, somehow, got approved under my record. 不清楚拿人是否申請綠卡,不清楚到了那個步驟。 那人留在我們學校的紀錄 expired in 2007. So I am a ghost now.

現在我們國際學生辦公室的人在爭取把我的紀錄高回來。 但是, I have some questions and concerns and desperately need some suggestions:

1) Although they said that it probably get fixed before this August, so that I still can apply for OPT as I planned. But what if they could not fix it by then, what shall I do? In terms of keeping my legal status here.

2) I will apply OPT, H1B, green card later. Although the office said it should not be a problem for me once they fix this mess. But I am scared, I do not know what is gonna happen in the black box and I suspect it might cause me big problem later. But what shall I do now?
My friend suggested that I should ask the international center to document the incident so that I will have some proof that it was not my fault and they made the mistakes. Is there anything else I should do to prepare for the worst thing in the future.

3) what should I do????????
please help me !!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot for your time, lots of bows, and have a good day.

Please bear with me with the mix of Chinese and English. ( I am really slow with the Chinese typing)
thank you for your help!!!