文章來源: fubin2023-06-14 02:59:40




Congress adopts the Stars and Stripes

June 14, 1777: During the American Revolution, the Continental Congress adopts a resolution stating that “the flag of the United States be thirteen alternate stripes red and white” and that “the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new Constellation.” The national flag, which became known as the “Stars and Stripes,” was based on the “Grand Union” flag, a banner carried by the Continental Army in 1776 that also consisted of 13 red and white stripes. According to legend, Philadelphia seamstress Betsy Ross designed the new canton for the Stars and Stripes, which consisted of a circle of 13 stars and a blue background, at the request of General George Washington. Historians have been unable to conclusively prove or disprove this legend.


1951年6月14日,美國人口普查局專用UNIVAC,這是美國第一台商業生產的電子數字計算機。UNIVAC代表通用自動計算機的英文縮寫,由J.Presper Eckert和John Mauchly領導的團隊研發,ENIAC製造。這些巨型計算機使用數千個真空管進行計算,是當今數字計算機的先驅。
UNIVAC, the first commercially produced digital computer, is dedicated
On June 14, 1951, the U.S. Census Bureau dedicates UNIVAC, the first commercially produced electronic digital computer in the United States. UNIVAC, which stood for Universal Automatic Computer, was developed by a team of engineers led by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly, makers of ENIAC, the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. These giant computers, which used thousands of vacuum tubes for computation, were the forerunners of today’s digital computers.


鸚鵡螺號核子動力潛艇(USS Nautilus SSN-571),是隸屬於美國海軍的一艘作戰用潛水艇。它除了是世界上第一艘實際運作服役的核子動力潛艇外,也是第一艘實際航行穿越北極的船隻。1952年6月14日“鸚鵡螺”號在美國格羅頓舉行鋪設龍骨的儀式。1954年1月21日下水。從理論上講,它可以以最大航速在水下連續航行50天、航程3萬海裏而無需添加任何燃料。艇上還裝備了自導魚雷。1958年8月“鸚鵡螺”號從冰層下穿越北冰洋冰冠,從太平洋駛進大西洋,完成了常規動力潛艇所無法想象的壯舉。之後,美國宣布以後將不在製造常規動力潛艇。

阿根廷軍隊在福克蘭群島首府斯坦利港向英國軍隊無條件投降,馬島Falkland Island戰爭以英國全勝結束。

Falklands War ends
After suffering through six weeks of military defeats against Britain’s armed forces, Argentina surrenders to Great Britain, ending the Falklands War.