文章來源: fubin2023-06-13 02:23:38














18866月十三號一場大火燒毀了加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華市的近1000棟建築。溫哥華遭受大火後不久,溫哥華消防部門(英語:Vancouver Fire and Rescue Services)便迅速成立。

Fire destroys nearly 1,000 buildings in Vancouver, British Columbia



1900年,德國駐華大使馮·凱特勒男爵用手杖毆打了兩名年輕的義和團兄弟,引起義和團反抗,夜間大火燒紅了整個北京 。最後該大使被義和團打死。

In China, Baron von Kettler, the German minister to China, beats two young Boxers with his walking stick; when word of this circulates, rioting and arson spread throughout Peking during the night






1922年六月十三日,美國愛荷華州農場主Charlie Osborne 查理.奧斯本在把一隻三百五十磅的豬吊起來時,摔倒在地。此後他開始不停地打嗝,一直打了六十八年之久。這是打嗝的世界吉斯尼記錄。1990年的某一天,奧斯本不明原因地停止打嗝。十一個月後,奧斯本去世。患病期間,奧斯本平均每分鍾打嗝2040次,在1991597歲去世之前,他總共打了約4.3億次嗝。



“I was hanging a 350-pound hog for butchering,” Osborne told People magazine in 1982. “I picked it up and then I fell down. I felt nothingEver since the accident on June 13, 1922, Osborne had hiccupped nonstop for almost seven decades. Osborne’s plight remains the longest attack of hiccups confirmed by Guinness World Records.

Charlie Osborne continued his hiccuping 

for 68 years, died 11 months after it stopped.

No doctor was able to help him. “One of the doctors I seen said later that I busted a blood vessel the size of a pin in my brain.” (The doctor in question, Terence Anthoney, posited that Osborne’s fall destroyed a small area in the brain stem that inhibits the hiccup response.

The man’s intractable hiccups, suddenly subsided in 1990

On average, Osborne experienced 20 to 40 involuntary diaphragm spasms per minute. In total, he hiccupped an estimated 430 million times before his death in May 1991 at age 97. 

The Curious Case of Charles Osborne, Who Hiccupped for 68 Years Straight | History| Smithsonian Magazine








US Post Office says children cannot be sent by parcel post (after various instances)

Children "mailed" by their parents because it was cheaper to mail them - if a child came in under the 50 pound parcel weight limit, than other ways to travel







Charles Jenkins demonstrates the transmission of synchronized pictures and sound (early television)


Jenkins was later active in television, becoming the first person to publicly demonstrate synchronized transmission of silhouette pictures and sound in June 1925. Three years later, he inaugurated America's first TV station, W3XK, broadcasting from Washington DC as part of the Jenkins Television Corporation.






The Miranda rights are established


On June 13, 1966, the U.S. Supreme Court hands down its decision in Miranda v. Arizona, establishing the principle that all criminal suspects must be advised of their rights before interrogation. Now considered standard police procedure, “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can, and will, be used against you in court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one, one will be appointed to you,” has been heard so many times in television and film dramas that it has become almost cliche.








NASA's Pioneer 10 becomes the 1st man-made object to leave the solar system




South Korean President Kim Dae-jung meets leader of North Korea Kim Jong-il, for the beginning of the first ever inter-Korea summit, in the northern capital of Pyongyang










Antarctica is melting at an accelerating rate - 200 billion tonnes a year, 3 trillion tonnes in 25 years, in report published in "Nature" journal





New York stock exchange enters bear market territory (defined as falling 20% from a recent high - Jan 3) after the S&P falls 3.9%, amid fears of high inflation and a recession