Norah Jones – An Easterner’s Soul in a Westerner’s body
文章來源: 2008-06-02 15:49:44

To appear in Wong Kar-wai's movie is Norah Jones’ destiny. “Blueberry Night” was not a breakthrough or a smash hit, but Norah was the star that shines on her own in a blueberry night. She is still, bland, withdrawn in a corner. She gestures no one to go to her. Her detachment reminds of Faye Wong, another singer songwriter who was destined to work with Wong Kar-wai. To some Americans, Norah’s songs are boring. There is no thrill to them. No passion is screamed out of the top of her lungs when she is in love. Her emotions are expressed in such an effaced way that some run out of patience. But still, Norah’s brilliance is unveiling, slowly, to those of us whose patience isn’t lost in a world of frenzies.