文章來源: WriteItOut2009-08-24 09:08:56
Jerry是我工作的老美同事,他經常驕傲地和我聊起他的military careerJerry曾經在60年代駐軍東南亞。我曾經問過他:“Did you ever go to the battle field?”他說:“No, I was in the Navy and stationed on a ship.”我又問:“What was you duty?Jerry 說:“Most of it was more technical, like fixing things here and there and cleaning things up.”最近我們公司招了一個白人老太太,做財務。Jerry就不懷好意地想盡辦法和人家套近乎。一次,我們三個一起吃中午飯時,聊起了退休計劃。Jerry借機會又開始吹噓他的military career。衝著白人老太說:“Since I served in the military, I’ll get extra benefit for my retirement.”我心想:“想以此為誘餌勾引可憐的老太太上鉤,看我不拔刀相助!”因為平時跟Jerry很熟,開個玩笑他也不會生氣。於是我馬上衝著白人老太說到:“Yes, Jerry once proudly told me that he was on a ship but his duty was to clean things up, like mopping the deck. I don’t think that’s a career of military. It’s sanitary!