從“和尚打傘,無法無天”說起 [ZT]
文章來源: internuts2008-07-12 05:39:38
上世紀毛澤東同誌在和美國記者埃德加·斯諾的一次談話中說“我是和尚打傘,無法無天。”據在場同事回來說譯文很長,雙方似乎都不滿意。“和尚打傘”是歇後語,此句重點在“無法無天”,譯法很多,如”I’m above the law./The law doesn’t apply to me./I am law-defying./I take the law into my own hands.”我認為“I take the law into my own hands.”更貼近原文。

幾年前布什總統訪問清華大學,江澤民主席在介紹詞中說“一鍬挖不出一口井。”我記得當時的譯文是“You cannot dig a well with one spade.”此譯文做口譯還過得去,但載入書麵文字則不大妥當。首先英文中並無“dig a well”這一說法,正確的應是“sink a well”;“ 一鍬挖不出”,那麽“How many more spades do you need?”。正確的書麵譯文應是“You cannot sink a well at one digging.”即“一鍬挖下去出不來一口井”。

毛澤東在《為女民兵提照》中有一句“不愛紅裝愛武裝”,若直譯則必然是形義全失,因此必須找到漢英在表達同一事物是的共同切入點。比如powder可當作“火藥,炸藥”講,也可當作“往…上搽粉”講。Face用做動詞是“麵對,正視”。因此上句可翻譯為“The Chinese woman militia would rather face the powder than their face.”麵對炸藥毫不畏懼不正是愛武裝嗎,而不往臉上塗脂抹粉不正是不愛紅裝嗎?

文件中常有“從溫飽到小康”,“溫飽”隻有兩個音節,但英譯卻有十幾個音節“providing enough food and clothes for the people”這是paraphrasing 而不是翻譯。


Fierce-browsed, I defy the ten Thousand pointing fingers;
Head bowed, I serve the children Like a willing ox.
