To戲雨飛鷹: about 陽春白雪 & 下裏巴人
文章來源: internuts2008-06-16 09:16:07
"陽春白雪" 與 "下裏巴人" 都是古代楚國的歌曲名, 分別指是高雅的宮廷音樂和民間的通俗音樂, 一個高雅清麗, 一個活潑靈動, 都是表達真實感情的曲目,因而得以豐富和發揚至今。請注意“下裏巴人”中雖有一個“人”字,但並非是指人,而是指歌曲。

陽春白雪和下裏巴人 is a pair of two aspects, being used in many places and translation varies accordingly:

For general, you can say "highbrow"  & "lowbrow"
For music/songs, it's "classical" & "pop music/pop song" ("美聲"和"通俗"就是一例).
For social groups in western world: noble & populace.

If we are just talking about the specific music "陽春白雪", it can be translated into "Sunny Spring & White Snow" or just "The Spring Snow".

I haven't heard the specific music "下裏巴人", I'm not sure if it really exists nowadays.

Here is 古箏"陽春白雪":

**Note:  Please take this as a reference only. Welcome corrections.