Star Scopes (11/27/09 - 12/3/09)
文章來源: 南山鬆2009-11-26 07:40:06

Star Scopes (11/27/09 - 12/3/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19

It doesn’t matter what other people around you think, as long as you are happy with your own results first. Compete with yourself first. Strive to perfect your own dreams and passions. This gives you the needed power to influence others and sets strong, positive forces at work that ensure everyone’s continuing success.

Taurus-April 20-May 20

Your great, earthly wisdom always prevails when you listen to and trust it. Focus your time, energy and resources on the important issues. You will prevail. You know what you want. Use the rest of the year to evaluate and set your goals for next year. You need a plan. No need to go around in circles at his point.

Gemini - May 21-June 21

Your communication skills are at an all-time high. Do you know where you want to be one year from now? Find out quickly because time goes by so fast. Patience is a virtue that comes from taking action and living one day at a time. Deal with everything life throws at you in positive ways and success is assured.

Cancer-June 21-July 21

It’s good to see you taking better care of yourself, moon child. Healthy thinking and feeling is the foundation for health living. Take an inventory of anything negative around you and get rid of it. This makes room for new and better qualities in life. You can judge how well this is working by how happy you are.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22

Slow down a little. It’s Thanksgiving time. Show gratitude for all you have done this year. Rejoice and share your blessings. Then get your second wind and prepare for the great New Year just ahead. Pace yourself and enjoy the best year of your life. You are doing well. Keep it up. Yours is a valuable life.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22

The key to continued success is the value placed on top priorities. We are usually given several choices on the course of action to take as we live each day of our lives. You have a strong, clear, loving mind. Let this and your good heart and instincts guide you down the path of life. This is what winners do. You are a winner.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22

You have the greatest judgment. You seem to have been born under a lucky star. Why? At the last minute, when it seems like things are not going to work out, they usually do. This is the universal message saying, “not to worry. It’s all in divine order.” Your actions and facts speak much stronger than your words

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Positive change is on the way to you. Are you ready for it? A big move will present itself soon. Be sure to include family and friend in the good fortune.  You have more than earned this universal promotion. It is because of your hard work, dedication and good heartedness. No one could be more deserving. Enjoy.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21

It’s your turn at the helm of the zodiac wheel for the next four weeks. It’s a time of feasting and rejoicing. Spend time in nature and with friends and family. Sagittarius leads us into the holidays with good cheer. Psych yourself up daily. Now more joy is on the way. Leads us forward with hope. . It is your greatest mission.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Stay on the sunny side of life. Refuse to let earthly challenges pull you down and cause excess stress. You know what you want .Your heart is open and filled with love. Follow it and you will succeed with something left to spare. Live in the now and take care of today’s priorities first. Everything else will wait.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb.18

Another name for you could be “great leader of the pack.” The Age of Aquarius is a very special time in history. You message is world peace and order. It starts within ourselves, one person at a time. Remind us when we stray and forget. We are living in a time to honor of these principles. Guide us safely on our way.

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20

You are in a strong, positive energy pattern now. Your visions always guide you. Just be sure that you make quality time for yourself every day. You are important too, you know. You are the spark that lights our fire. Your ideas are brilliant. You help everyone with the truth. Thanks for always inspiring and being there.