Star Scopes (9/4/09 - 9/10/09)
文章來源: 南山鬆2009-09-04 17:55:18

Star Scopes (9/4/09 - 9/10/09)

Author: James Tucker

Aries-March 21-April 19 (白羊座)

Measure the quality of your life by the happiness and joy you feel in your heart. You were born to be of service. You are at your best when you are able to help others searching to find answers to their challenges. Everyone gains strength and hope from your light and presence. This depth of spirit is your greatest power.

Taurus-April 20-May 20 (金牛座)

Most of the things you worry about never come to pass. It is a waste of time and energy to think too much about why things didn't work out. We don't have to be rocket scientists to figure out life. Surrender your will and ask spirit to direct your life and give you vision. Lighten up. Be patient. Spirit is on your side.

Gemini-May 21-June 21(雙子座)

Make the most of opportunities in life as they present themselves. Make hay while the sun shines is an old adage. The second key is to continue to learn new and better ways to present your gifts and talents. Life is a school, you know. Now take action and make things happen. Victory over life is now assured.

Cancer-June 22-July 22(巨蟹座)

You know you are making progress when warm feelings come from closest friends. The happiness in your heart ripples out, gets into their hearts and comes back multiplied. This is your defining quality about life. You are so generous with your love. You are the master of love. Let it come back to you multiplied.

Leo-July 23-Aug. 22(獅子座)

You feel so much joy in your heart and spirit. You have plenty of gratitude. Wow! You have a jubilant life. Love is the key. You have an abundance of that. More is on the way. You have a dream. Direct your passion to them. Now the universe goes to work and increases them. This keeps you on the winning side of life.

Virgo-Aug. 23-Sept. 22(處女座)

Be open to changes in plans. A new and easier course is at hand. Rise above any real or imaginary obstacles. This is done by listening closely to your inner guidance and acting on your visions. Sometimes, taking quick action when it feels right is better than waiting on a long, hard grind. Relax. It's all OK.

Libra-Sept. 23-Oct. 22(天秤座)

Ask spirit for new direction and then be open to listening to new ideas as they pop into the mind. You have the greatest protection from spirit. You are the balance point. Allow yourself to receive the blessings you have given to others. Live life with this glow. All is well and much more will soon be added.

Scorpio-Oct. 23-Nov. 21(天蠍座)

When situations are beyond your control, let go and be accepting. You have done your best. Be satisfied. Back off and keep your faith. Human timing and universal timing are two different things. Sometimes we just have to wait, be patient, have faith and trust. Now things will work out as supposed to.

Sagittarius-Nov. 22-Dec. 21(人馬座)

Changes in attitude can change lives. Great attitudes can produce miracles. The guardian angels watching over us know. Refuse to let little things annoy or upset you. Keep on focusing on the bigger picture. Be grateful for all your accomplishments in life. Stay on target. Many new and great ones are on the way.

Capricorn-Dec. 22-Jan. 19(摩羯座)

Your life is coming into complete focus. True purpose and destiny has been lying deep within you for all your earthly days. Your desires and visions from the past are bearing fruit. Your future happiness is assured. You are listening and spirit is blessing you in the highest ways anyone could ever dream. And so it is.

Aquarius-Jan. 20-Feb. 18(寶瓶座)

The world sees you as calm, but under the surface, there is a strong, fiery nature that gives you the strength to carry on, regardless of the challenges faced on the road of life. Your strongest gift is that of communicating. You are a master of the written and spoken word. Is broadcasting in your future?

Pisces-Feb. 19-March 20(雙魚座)

You are preparing the banquet table of the sweet life you have always wanted. Stay in your elegance. Just keep it simple and take time for the simple pleasures. Stay close to nature. You are a water sign. Do you spend quality time in the water? No one can make you truly happy if you don't make you happy first.