2018 Flu Season and Immunization
文章來源: 西府來子2018-01-17 11:23:06

In any case, whether you get vaccinated or not, you will want two things in your medicine cabinet:

  • natural immune enhancing formula to lessen your chances of getting sick in the first place. A strong immune system is still your best bet in avoiding the flu. Not to mention the fact that if you do get vaccinated, the stronger your immune system, the more effective your body's response to the vaccine will be.
  • natural antipathogenic formula to lessen the burden on your immune system if you do come down with the flu. This will drastically reduce your chances of experiencing a cytokine storm, minimize your odds of succumbing to a secondary infection, as well as shorten both the duration and intensity of any flu that you do get--regardless of whether or not you've been vaccinated.
