文章來源: kelianzhonghua2008-04-07 05:22:23
轉載-加拿大政府自食惡果http://www.peacehall.com/news/gb/intl/2008/04/200804071221.shtml(博訊北京時間2008年4月07日 首發 - 支持此文作者/記者) 以加籍身份反對加拿大政府,以中國大陸統治集團的立場反對加拿大政府,以共產主義立場反對加拿大政府,這已成為加拿大華人社會中的不可抗拒的潮流。 隻要中國出現踐踏人權的事件,隻要中國在國際社會中與西方產生矛盾或衝突,隻要西方國家領導人敢對中國說“不”,加拿大華人團體立即揭竿而起,衝上街頭,打出五星紅旗,顯示中國的威勢無所不在。 (博訊 boxun.com) 有人把這一切反對行為歸咎於中國使領館的唆使和挑動。難道這就是華人政治的原因?人所皆知,使領館本來就是做此類事的,完全符合把共產主義旗幟插遍全球的意識形態之欲求。近30年來中共之所以不提“全世界無產者聯合起來”的口號,是他們清醒地看到,根本聯合不起來;隻有先把經濟搞上去,才不至於永遠無產,永遠空喊口號。共產黨完全可以並實際上已經借用資本主義生產方式及其文化成果,壯大了自己,但最終目的是埋葬資本主義,否則,為什麽中國把堅持改革開放叫作“中國救社會主義呢”? 華人社會之所以在加拿大不可一世,是加拿大政府藐視共產主義,歧視中國大陸華人的結果,所以這是惡果。加拿大政府在對付華人社會的政策和策略上,從未吸取近百年來共產主義興起的給西方帶來的種種經驗和教訓,不懂得研究中華民國在大陸失敗的原因;加拿大政府在政治保衛方麵的組織人員裏,用的是香港台灣背景的華人,而這些人,無論在社會活動的哪方麵,根本不是大陸人的對手。正因為加拿大政府藐視和歧視久經共產主義運動鍛煉的大陸華人,不把其間的優秀分子吸收到政治保衛的隊伍中去,以至加拿大政府單憑自以為是的法律無法保障國家安全,因為法律是能讓精明的共產黨人鑽空子,打掩護的。隻要看看賴昌星就知道,他這條癩皮狗,跟共產黨混成了精,加拿大政府對他毫無辦法。 加拿大政府官員的官僚作風和普遍對中國曆史,中美關係史(集中反映著共產主義騙局成功的曆史)的無知,注定為加拿大這個美麗的國家蒙上陰影。 (博訊記者:小青) [博訊首發,轉載請注明出處]- 支持此文作者/記者(博訊 boxun.com) --The Canadian government bears the consequences of evil acts(The abundant news Beijing standard time on April 07, 2008 first round - supports this article author/reporter) Adds the nationality status to oppose the Canadian government, by mainland China ruling clique's standpoint opposed the Canadian government, by the communism standpoint opposed the Canadian government, this has become in the Canada Chinese community the irresistible tidal current. So long as China appears tramples the human rights the event, so long as China has the contradiction or the conflict in the international society with the west, so long as the western nation leader dares to China to say "", the Canadian Chinese people association does not raise the standard of revolt immediately, flushes the street corner, splits out the Five-Starred Red Flag, demonstrated Chinese the power and influence is omnipresent. (Abundant news boxun.com) Some people put the blame on this all opposition behaviors to the Chinese legations and consulates instigate and provoke. Is this the Chinese people politics reason? The person all knows, the legations and consulates originally make this kind of matter, completely tallies the communism flag inserts the whole world desire the ideology. The near for 30 year Chinese Communist Party therefore does not raise "the world proletarian unites" the slogan, is they soberly saw, cannot unite; Only has first does the economy, only then as for forever not does not produce, forever talks big but do nothing the slogan. The communist party definitely was allowed and already borrows the Capitalist mode of production and its the cultural achievement in fact, expanded own, but the final goal buries the capitalism, otherwise, why did China persist the reform and open policy was called "China to rescue the socialism"? The Chinese community therefore is insufferably arrogant in Canada, is the Canadian government despises the communism, discriminates against mainland China Chinese people's result, therefore this is an evil consequence. The Canadian government in copes with the Chinese community in the policy and the strategy, never absorbs Nearly for 100 years the communism to start all sorts of experiences and the lesson which brings to the west, did not understand studies Republic of China at the mainland defeat reason; Canadian government in political security aspect organization personnel, with is the Hong Kong Taiwan background Chinese people, but these people, which aspect regardless of in the social activity, simply isn't the mainland person's match. Just because the Canadian government despises with the discrimination experiences for a long time the communism movement exercise the mainland Chinese people, not in during outstanding molecular absorption politics security troop, down to Canadian government Shan Ping thinks oneself infallible the law is unable to safeguard the national security, because the law is can let the astute communist take the chance, covers. So long as has a look Lai Changxing to know, his this mangy dog, mixed the essence with the communist party, the Canadian government to his not in the least means. The Canada government official's bureaucrat attitude and generally to the Chinese history, the Chinese and American relations history (concentrated reflection history which communism fraud succeeds) the ignorance, is doomed for Canadian this beautiful country Mongolia in the shadow. (Abundant news reporter: Small is blue) [ abundant news first round, reprint please gives the source ] - supports this article author/reporter(abundant news boxun.com)