對愛好園藝的朋友有幫助的網站 (圖)
文章來源: StillH2ORunDeep2009-02-03 14:30:39

紐約時報介紹了幾個對喜歡植物,喜歡種花種菜的人們有幫助的網站。這些網站提供的圖文並茂的信息不但增長見識,也對種植提供實際參考。常光顧其中的幾個網站,如USDA 的與National Garden Bureau 的。

Internet Public Library: An array of articles and fact sheets about gardening. http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/ent38.50.00/

Rutgers University: An extensive plant database. http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/plant_systematics/plant_systematics.shtml

National Garden Bureau: Many gardening groups and organizations. http://www.ngb.org/gardening/todays/article.cfm?ID6

Bio-Integral Resource Center: A collection of non-toxic or least-toxic management solutions for garden pests.

USDA Home Gardening Guide: Includes such things as plant hardiness zones and research findings.

Coordinators-USDA Plants National Database: State-by-state listings of plants by scientific, common and family names, plus some 40,000 plant images. http://plants.usda.gov.

Cooperative Extension System: A list of state and provincial Master Gardener coordinators, along with questions and answers about many garden-related topics. http://www.extension.org/pages/State--and--Provincial--Master--Gardener

當然了,最後還有 GOOGLE ,現在幾乎什麽都可以查到。
