文章來源: 風麗2010-08-03 10:58:53

再一點,請不要再亂猜我孩子去了哪裏了,決定了我一定會告訴大家,我相信他會去他該去的地方!何況,不管他去哪裏,我並不需要他的錄取結果去佐證我的話的真實性,我的所有的言論base on美國中小學的實情和我的對大家的良心。


1、談談你的favorite books?
2、談談你在高中的the most important experiences?
3、談談你的favorite hobby?
4、What do you want to particsapate in at xxxxx college? (or What can you contribute?)
5、What are you looking for in colllege?
6、Why xxxxx college?
7、談談你的passion to journalism?
8、What is your career goal?
9、你是如何看到了其中的需要當你在選擇做這種community service的時候?
10、Talk about your extracurriculars,your classes and your family?
11、Talk about the difference between the west vs. the east coast?
12、How about your personal attributions?
14、What do you think about the role of the US in the world?(test your social/political awareness)
15、Talk about international relations?( also test your social/political awareness)
19、What other colleges did you apply to? Why did you apply to these colleges?
21、Where would you like to live in the future?
22、How will you demonstrate responsibility and leadership qualities in your freshman year?
23、What social problems do you think your children will have to worry about in 20 years?
24、What is your weakness?

Ask the interviewer the following questions:

1、The experience the interviewers had at the college?
2、Whether the college was a good fit for the interviewer?
3、問interviewers 他/她所上的這個學校對他/她後來人生的影響?
4、請interviewers 介紹當地的大致綜合情況(包括人文地理環境等)?