【詠歎藝術感受 】我的心 在詠唱-譯自麗人博客璐娜
文章來源: 一語湖邊_lakeshore2008-01-25 18:52:30

"我的心 在詠唱,"-譯自北美文學社麗人博客,璐娜de [ 藝術感受 ]

原作: (By Lunamia) - “O Mio Babbino Caro“ “我親愛的爸爸”
- 勞蕾塔的詠歎調,選自普契尼的歌劇 《賈尼·斯基基》

配譯:( 一語湖邊 )答謝:你,的博客是一本追求藝術的書, 充滿了對藝術地感受, 細細讀來連較為滯鈍的人也會對美好的事物有所感悟, 聽你帶來的音樂, 有感而發, 顯然不是偶然。

- 一股莫名地力量將我擊中, 歌聲將我帶走, 似乎來到古老的戰場, 我真的顫栗了;
Finished Date: Sunday, January 13, 2008


" 啊 ! 我親愛的爸爸,我愛那美麗少年。我願到露薩港去,買一個結婚戒指。我無論如何要去,假如您不答應,我就到威克橋上,縱身投入那河水裏。我多痛苦,我多悲傷。啊 ! 天哪 ! 我寧願死去 ! 爸爸,我懇求你 ! 爸爸,我懇求你 ! "

這是兩年前老公給錄製的一個錄相片段,在一個市藝術中心小禮堂,是專門的季度獨唱獨奏音樂會 , 白天剛剛下過大雪 , 所在地區的所有公共活動都臨時取消了,可是音樂會照常進行。禮堂裏麵有些冷 , 可是觀眾非常熱情友好。就是那天晚上,演唱完十一首歌之後,全體起立鼓掌 (A standing ovation) ,好不令人激動!如今回想起來 , 仍然曆曆在目。。。 這對於一個非專業歌手,一個追求夢想的人來說,是一種莫大的鼓勵。。。

“我親愛的爸爸” -- 勞蕾塔的詠歎調,選自普契尼的歌劇 《賈尼·斯基基》

意大利原文歌詞 :

O Mio Babbino Caro

(Lauretta's aria from Gianni Schicchi)

O mio babbino caro,

mi piace è bello, bello;

vo'andare in Porta Rossa

a comperar l'anello!

Sì, sì, ci voglio andare!

e se l'amassi indarno,

andrei sul Ponte Vecchio,

ma per buttarmi in Arno!

Mi struggo e mi tormento!

O dio, vorrei morir!

Babbo, pietà, pietà!

劇情簡介 :

《賈尼•斯基基》, 完成於 1918 年,獨幕歌劇,同年初演於紐約。

本劇的劇情取自意大利詩人但丁( 1265 - 1321 )的長詩《神曲•地獄篇》中的一個故事:富商多納蒂臨死,一群親友圍聚病榻,皆欲承繼其巨額遺產。但是多納蒂的既定遺囑內,載明遺產全數捐獻給某一教堂,多納蒂旋即瞑目。在場親友大失所望。其中一青年裏努奇奧(與多納蒂的另一在場親戚 -- 賈尼•斯基基之女勞蕾塔相愛)提議,請賈尼•斯基基假扮多納蒂垂危狀,邀請公證人前來,當眾另立遺囑,遺產由眾親友均分。此計受到眾人擁護,當即付諸實施。公證人到場。斯基基臥病榻上,以多層被褥蒙體,顫聲授意道: " 我的財產以五裏拉捐獻教堂,以一千裏拉贈予眾親友均分,其餘現款及騾馬、鋸木場、以及在佛羅倫薩的住宅等等,則全部贈予吾最親愛的賈尼•斯基基。 " 遺囑錄華,公證人離去。眾大嘩。斯基基從病榻躍起,持棒驅散眾人,並笑對其女勞蕾塔與裏努奇奧道: " 多納蒂的遺產是我理所應得,我當善自用之,以慰死者在天之靈。 "

部歌劇雖然也是作者普契尼的名作,但今天已很少上演了。不過劇中的一個極為優美、深情而動人的女高音獨唱《啊 ! 我親愛的爸爸》(賈尼•斯基基的女兒勞蕾塔的詠歎調),十分深入人心,是當今許多著名的女高音歌唱家喜愛演唱的曲目,今天還經常被單獨演唱或作為許多影視劇的配樂出現。

This piece is my love, very rare on stage nowadays. But this " O Mio Babbino Caro" - Lauretta's aria from Gianni Schicchi, - female solo is one of the most emotional, elegant, and of higher value, by many artists popular in the world' , often performed at solo concerts, used by and appears in the filming industries too.


" 啊 ! 我親愛的爸爸,我愛那美麗少年。我願到露薩港去,買一個結婚戒指。我無論如何要去,假如您不答應,我就到威克橋上,縱身投入那河水裏。我多痛苦,我多悲傷。啊 ! 天哪 ! 我寧願死去 ! 爸爸,我懇求你 ! 爸爸,我懇求你 ! "

Ah, my dear father, I am in so deep love with him. I will go to the port Lusa , to buy a wedding ring, I must, must go; if you say no, I will walk onto the Wei-Ke Bridge, then I will jump into the cold river, I am in pain, in huge sorrow. Oh, my Lord, I'd rather die! Father, I beg you, please, answer me.

這是兩年前老公給錄製的一個錄相片段,在一個市藝術中心小禮堂,是專門的季度獨唱獨奏音樂會 , 白天剛剛下過大雪 , 所在地區的所有公共活動都臨時取消了,可是音樂會照常進行。禮堂裏麵有些冷 , 可是觀眾非常熱情友好。就是那天晚上,演唱完十一首歌之後,全體起立鼓掌 (A standing ovation) ,好不令人激動!如今回想起來 , 仍然曆曆在目。。。 這對於一個非專業歌手,一個追求夢想的人來說,是一種莫大的鼓勵。。。

This piece was done by my other half, two years ago. It was a snowing day; I was on stage of a small theatre at art-center of the city hall, which used for seasonal concert on special occasions for solo musicians only. All the public events were canceled, but not my loved concert. It was bit cold inside; my audience was warm-hearted though. I had sung about 11 pieces; "A standing ovation". That was so touching, even today when I recall that moment, as to me, a non-pro singer, to my art loving 'heart'' -it was such huge encouragement.....

鋼琴師是專程從紐約坐火車而來的旅美台灣青年作曲家王怡雯博士,她是從 Curtisservatory 作曲係畢業的高材生,又是水彩畫家,其作品收藏於費城一家藝術館並出售。去年,她應邀為台灣交響樂團作曲,並演奏了她譜寫的大型交響樂曲專場音樂會。我幾次與她合作,去過她的曼哈頓的家合伴奏。她的特點是先把音樂構思畫出來,幾部樂曲,就是幾幅畫,構圖,色彩,意境躍然紙上,然後在畫兒的世界裏湧出行雲流水般的樂章,時而激昂,時而委婉;樂裏有景,畫裏有聲。。。

My pianist, a Taiwan American, Dr IUen Hong came to paly for me from New York by train. She was also composer-major credited graduate from Curtis Conservatory; a water-color painter too. Her works ollected by an art gallery of H-city. She was invited to write some ( compose ) music for the Symphone Orchestra Taiwan, and played the great philharmonica writen by herself. I had few times playing at her Manhaton home. In her painting, there is 'sound of music'. Surpirsingly, she paints with her understanding of the music, sketched out from the inspiration of the music, turned music chapters onto the paintings; frames, the colors, and imaginary are alive under her brushes; the river of the music flows from what she produced, some vibrate, others, soft and delicate; so blending with each others, sceneries in the music, or the music from paintings.

歌聲,美感均來自於心靈,用心靈來歌唱是最有感染力的。有時候,音樂是無國界的,音樂本身已經超過了語言的國界,而變成一種世界的共同語言,當然,同一種語言更容易引起共鳴。如果我唱的意大利語 的詠歎調能夠感染你了,那就是一個成功,也是美聲的魅力所在,所謂美聲 Bel canto , 實際上就是美好的歌唱,聲音美,藝術處理上感人,舞台表演美,那就是我的目標。。。

Why do I sing? My singing follows only my heart, along with, are the sound of my voice, and beauty in my feelings; that touches, it is true, music has no boundaries, it goes beyond the broaders of the nations and languages, shared by the people all over the world; sure, the same language provokes stronger emotions. But, if you were touched by my aria in Italian, should it be the music it self, the " びせい" , "Bel canto"; It is simply the way to sing it beautifully, to cherish the beauty of my voice can reach, can create, heart-moving in performance, faultlessness on stage-style, thus, is what I am longing for.

謝幕之後,又要繼續尋夢去了 , 又要在夢中漫遊了,在如洗的月光下,在粼粼波光的湖畔。。。

When I steped down from the stage, I turned into my dreaming again, wandering in my dreams; it's softly twinkling and shining on the lake, oh, the moon....

 約翰雷客霄 Burlington Ca

You can reach him at:
lakeshore_viewer_2008@yahoo.cn (China)
john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com ( International