糖醋排骨,Crab Cakes
文章來源: 夾子夾子2006-05-28 16:49:03

糖醋排骨和crab cakes 的方子如下:


1。 排骨加水煮至八成熟。
2。撈出排骨(湯留下備用),洗淨瀝幹放入油鍋 (不要太多油)翻炒,倒入料酒炒出酒香,再加醬油炒出醬香,然後往鍋裏澆湯,一次不要澆太多,再炒,多澆炒幾次。最後一次炒至汁半幹時,加入和你口味的糖(我用了dark brown sugar) 和醋 ,炒至汁快幹時熄火裝盤。

Crab Cakes (這個方子做起來也不費事)

1/3 cup mayonnaise or salad dressing
1 large egg
1 ¼ cups soft bread crumbs (about 2 slices bread)
1 teaspoon ground mustard
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground red pepper (cayenne), if desired
1/8 teaspoon pepper
2 medium green onions, chopped (2 tablespoons)
12 oz fresh crabmeat, well drained, cartilage removed and flaked
¼ cup dry bread crumbs
2 tablespoons vegetable oil

1. In medium bowl, mix mayonnaise and egg with wire whisk. Stir in remaining ingredients except oil and dry bread crumbs. Shape mixture into 6 patties, about 3 inches in diameter (mixture should be moist). Coat each patty with dry bread crumbs.

2. In 12-inch non-stick skillet, heat oil over medium heat. Cook patties in oil about 10 minutes, gently turning once, until golden brown and hot in center. Reduce heat if crab cakes become brown too quickly.