推薦好書 - The Lowbrow Guide (圖)
文章來源: 嗝兒嗝兒2005-02-23 07:40:43

The Low Brow Guide to World History

昨天在Barnes&Noble的便宜書架上看到一本巨好玩的書,叫做The Low Brow Guide to World History,作者Michael Powell, 才$7.98大洋。偶買回來了,不過還沒有開看,但是翻翻就翻到很多好笑的地方,比如說到提香 - "Titan is generally acknowledged to be the greatest painter of fatties who has ever lived." 關於法國大革命的起因 - "While there was no shortage if people, there was a chronic lack of French bread."
