文章來源: 溫馨秋月2009-01-17 21:28:26


症狀是從11月初開始,起初就一兩小塊,同事推薦了over counter的hydrocortisone, 還好用,抹兩三天會好,但過後又起,off and on,這幾天大概天冷的緣故,公司和家裏的heater 都在continuously run, 可以感覺到空氣的幹燥,症狀越來越嚴重,痛癢的六神無主,抹藥治療的速度還不如發病的速度快。


感謝ELIZA熱心細致的診斷 (see below):

First I need to know a little more about your history.
*travel to the woods (tick bites) back in Oct/Nov, your dog/cat had tick infection? Lime disease is unlikely since you rash is <5cm in diameter and doesn’t have the typical bull-eye appearance. But I thought I should ask.
*Any recent joint pain/significant fatigue/sun sensitivity/flu-like symptoms
*do you have asthma, allergic rhinitis ( 過敏性鼻炎 )
If your answer to the above is no, 我覺得你的皮膚可能是接觸性皮炎和神經性皮炎 .

There are old and new rashes on you neck. I assume the old ones are treated with hydrocortisone cream. They look well healed with only some dispigmentation ( 色素沉積), which is normal and might take a while for them to go away. I see some rubbing/scratching marks. This together with what you told me, I think there is a high chance that you are suffering from a persistent contact or irritant dermatitis. Some of them got better with the cream; some of them develop due to continuous exposure. Scratching or rubbing can hurt the nerve terminal and as a result, the irritated nerve will send out intense itching and pain signal. At this stage, the dermatitis is called neurodermatitis ( 神經性皮炎 ). It takes quite some time to get better because of the vicious cycle between being itching and pain, and rubbing and or scratching.
So, what could be the culprit(s)? If we can identify it/them, then we will be in a good position to cure your skin condition. There is a fair likelihood that we can ’ t find any. Sometimes it is things we can change such as the weather and a couple things you need to recall are as follows:
Have you recently switch to use

  • New wool /synthetic fiber clothing, linens (sheet, pillow cases),
  • Hair dyes, soaps,
  • Cosmetics, perfumes, scented lotions

Treatment wise, may I suggest:

  • Change the new items you have acquired recently to hypo allergic, non-scented items. Missionallergy.com might give you some ideas.
  • Wear 100% cotton and soft material if possible. Wear your hair up and leave your neck naked if possible. At work, you can try silk scarf to cover your neck.
  • No scratching/rubbing. Trim your fingernails short and wear gloves during sleep so that you won ’ t rub your neck during sleep. I have to say this is a bit hard to do.
  • Continue to use hydrocortisone cream but take anti-histamine at the same time because cream only works on the spot you apply. Try to take anti-histamine regularly even your itching is better. Take it at least 2 weeks.
  • Try Claritin during daytime and Benadryl at night.
  • If the above fail to improve your condition, one drug I think you can ask you doctor to prescribe is called Atarax. It is powerful anti-histamine and also has a calming effect. Anxiety can make the rash worse.
  • If you try the above and still no improvement, it is time to go back to your dermatologist and perhaps an allergist for hypo-allergic products and skin test.
  • Forgot to mention moisturizer. Lotion won't help in your case because it is too diluted. You will have to try cream or ointment. Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Cream, Deep Moisture, is a good choice. Eucerin is really thick and might be hard to apply. But you can try them out and stay the one your skin likes.